
Cross-Domain UI-Renderer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import axaChAletheiaZoid from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@axa-ch/aletheia-zoid';



Table of Contents

Cross-Domain UI-Renderer npm

This package provides Aletheia encapsulated within a zoid component, providing:


First install this package and it's peer dependency @axa-ch/aletheia by:

npm install --save @axa-ch/aletheia-zoid @axa-ch/aletheia


Be aware that you need to build and serve two pages:

  1. the parent page, which loads the UI-Renderer through an iframe
  2. the child page, which integrates the UI-Rnderer within an iframe

IMPORTANT: the versions of @axa-ch/aletheia-zoid have to be equal in the parent and the child page, if not, then zoid will throw an error that the versions do not match.


We provide a generic component definition and a React driver.


The Ui-Renderer supports the following properties:

Name Description Type Required
locale Locale of the application - country and language code allowed. string :x:
stage The current stage at which aletheia is running, i.e. production, acc, dev or local. string :x:
iframeUrl The URL of the iframe's HTML page. string :x:
isFromMyAxa Whether or not myAXA native Android or iOS App is used. boolean :o:
apiTestKey API Key for local testing. string :o:
xAxaApikey API keys should only be used for public unauthorized API’s. An API key is unique per client application and will be used solely for client identification (for details, please consult the official documentation at confluence). string :o:
oauthToken OAuth token of type Bearer. string :x:
xAxaContext Identity propagation in RESTful service is handled via the X-Axa-Context Header (for details, please consult the official documentation at confluence). string :o:
fallbackUrl The url to fall back to if the process cannot be started. string :x:
api API URL to BPM. string :x:
refreshUrl URL for refreshing the oAuth Access Token. string :o:
redirectUrl URL for refreshing the oAuth Access Token by redirect. string :o:
satCookieName Name of the Secure-Access-Token-Cookie. string :o:
processInstanceId Unique ID for a running process (mainly used for development). string :o:
processName Name of the process which should be started automatically (mainly used for production). string :o:
endUserKey User who started the process. string :x:
roid ROIDs (Right Owner ID) are Alcatraz IDs and are used only on DTP Platform (for details, please consult the official documentation at confluence). string :o:
uls Whether or not to use the User Login Servlet, which offers authetication by user-id and password (for details, please consult the official documentation at confluence). boolean :o:
onProcessEnded Function to be called upon process end. function :x:
onProcessError Function to be called upon process error. function :x:
onProcessAborted Function to be called upon process abortion. function :x:
nvp An array of NVP objects. array :o:
nvpNamesMap A map to rename NVP-names. array :o:


import React from 'react';
import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
import createReact from '@axa-ch/aletheia-zoid/dist/createReact';

const AletheiaZoidReact = createReact(React, ReactDom);

export default AletheiaZoidReact;

Note: Make sure, that you bundle the same React and ReactDom version, and these only once. Else you might see Invalid hook call violations. https://reactjs.org/warnings/invalid-hook-call-warning.html


The child consists of two parts:

  1. the component implementation to be loaded within an iframe
  2. the expected global styles, font files (from the patterns-library V1), polyfills, etc.


// 1. You need the minimum CSS of the patterns-library v1 and aletheia
import './child.scss';

// 2. You need the Aletheia-Zoid Component
import '@axa-ch/aletheia-zoid/dist/component';


@import '@axa-ch/patterns-library/src/styles/reboot';

// IMPORTANT: adjust your font's base path accordingly, this is just from the example
$font-base-path: '../node_modules/@axa-ch/patterns-library/src/assets/fonts/';
@import '@axa-ch/patterns-library/src/styles/fonts';


Start the example locally:

  1. run npm run dev
  2. go to http://localhost:1234/parent.html

Please see the example folder.