
An API Gateway for WordPress

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import axelspringerMangoApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@axelspringer/mango-api';


:smiley_cat: Mango API

Taylor Swift Volkswagen TypeScript MIT license

Getting Started

requires a node version >= 6 and an npm version >= 3.x.x

we use Koa as middleware

we do provide a help command to display all possible arguments

# Installs the Mango API
npm i @axelspringer/mango-api -g

# Starts the Mango API in Mock modus
mango-api -d


most command line arguments have a reflection in environment variables, which allows it to be easily tested and developed in many environments


Displays all the available arguments

-wp MANGO_WP (string)

Sets the url to the WordPress REST endpoint (e.g. http://localhost/wp-json/)

-m MANGO_MOCK (boolean)

Enables the Mocks of the Mango API.

-p MANGO_PORT (string)

Sets the port of the Mango API.

-h MANGO_HOST (string)

Sets the host of the Mango API.

-t MANGO_TOKEN (string)

Sets the X-MANGO-TOKEN to the value provided by WP Mango.

-s MANGO_SECRET (string)

Sets the X-MANGO-SECRET to the value provided by WP Mango.


Uses a differen adapter for the mock data. This should implement and overload.

--plugin MANGO_PLUGINS (string)

Loads an installed plugin (e.g. mango-plugin-pagemanager). If used multiple times, it loads multiple plugins. MANGO_PLUGINS should be used as follows export MANGO_PLUGINS='pagemanager,navigation'.

const api = require('@axelspringer/mango-api');

function mocks(axios, config) {
  let adapter = new api.MockAdapter(axios, config);
  adapter.get(api.WP.Posts, require('./data/posts.json')).reply(200);
  adapter.get(api.WP.Users, require('./data/users.json')).reply(200);
  adapter.get(api.WP.NavLocations, require('./data/navLocations.json'), true).reply(200);
  adapter.get(api.WP.NavLocations + '/', require('./data/navLocations.json')).reply(200);
  adapter.get(api.WP.NavMenu, require('./data/navMenus.json')).reply(200);
  adapter.get(api.WP.NavItems, require('./data/navItems.json')).reply(200);
  adapter.get(api.WP.Settings, require('./data/settings.json')).reply(200);

exports.default = mocks


all commands can be seen via npm run help

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/axelspringer/mango

# enter directory
cd mango/packages/api

# Start the local dev server
npm start

# To use your local version for development of other mango parts, run
npm link

Have fun!
