
Synchronet BBS Software - Dockerized

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bbsSynchronet from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bbs/synchronet';


Synchronet Dockerized

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This is meant to be run from a unix-like (bash) environment. This package will use ~/sbbs as the base for data/configuration.


WARNING: This is a work in progress.


Prerequisite Software

You must have the following installed in order to run this application.

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Node.js (14.x)


If you are using Windows, you should install WSL2, and use Docker Desktop configured to use WSL2, and it would be best to run this from a WSL2 linux environment such as Ubuntu 20.04.


The container name will be sbbs and the image will be bbsio/synchronet:latest

npm i -g @bbs/synchronet
synchronet install


If you are using mac, you should modify the dockerfile to use a volume container in docker (instructions out of scope).

Management Commands

  • synchronet help - Display Help
  • synchronet init - Initialize Setup - does not install container (creates ~/sbbs/*)
  • synchronet install - Initialize and install/upgrade container
  • synchronet uninstall - Uninstall container - does not clear ~/sbbs
  • synchronet run PROGRAM [...args] - Run command inside a temporary container
  • synchronet access - Fix file permissions for ~/sbbs/*. Do this before editing content.
  • synchronet doorparty - Install Doorparty Connector and Doors

Runtime Commands

The following commands require that sbbs be installed/running in the sbbs docker container.

  • synchronet exec PROGRAM [...args] - Run a command inside the installed container
  • synchronet scfg - Load scfg
  • synchronet bash - Bash prompt in container
  • synchronet dos - (TODO) DOSEMU prompt in container
  • synchronet logs [OPTIONS] - See below



  • --details - Show extra details provided to logs
  • -f, --follow - Follow log output
  • --since TIME - Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)
  • -n NUM, --tail NUM - Number of lines to show from the end of the logs (default "all")
  • -t, --timestamps - Show timestamps
  • --until TIME - Show logs before a timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)


NOTE: Volume mounted directories will be owned by root as a default. In order to edit/update these files, you should run synchronet access with the sbbs container running.

Advanced Setup

If you wish to use a directory other than ~/sbbs for your volume/directory mounts, set an SBBSDIR environment variable to your desired location, for example, if you wanted to use /sbbs on a deployed server, you could do so.