
bedrock-layout columns

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bedrockLayoutColumns from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bedrock-layout/columns';



A layout helper component that creates an n-column layout.

Full docs at: bedrock-layout.dev

When to Use

The Columns can be used to create a columned layout consisting of n number of columns.

How to install

npm install @bedrock-layout/columns


yarn add @bedrock-layout/columns


Basic Usage

The following example creates a simple columned layout containing 5 columns of equal size.

import { Columns } from '@bedrock-layout/columns';

<Columns gutter='lg' columns={5}>

Usage with Column

@bedrock-layout/columns also contains a Column component which can be used within Columns to define individual sizes of the columns, using the span props, as shown below:

import { Columns, Column } from '@bedrock-layout/columns';

<Columns gutter='lg' columns={3} dense>
  <Column span={2}>
  <Column span={2}>
  <Column span={3}>
  <Column span={2}>


For styling purposes, you can select data-bedrock-columns and data-bedrock-column for Columns and Column respectively.



* required

Property Description Type Default
gutter* sets the space between the elements One of Spacing** -
columns number of columns to create number 1
dense used with Column to have a dense layout boolean false
switchAt The width threshold at which the container will switch to stack layout One of: CSS length, number -

** By default, Spacings is one of spacing-constants values, but this can be overwritten using the ThemeProvider from styled-components


Property Description Type Default
span number of columns the element should span number 1
offsetStart number of columns to offset before the element number -
offsetEnd number of columns to offset after the element number -