
DataModel implementation of the BasicSkills schema and definition.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import benRazorBasicSkills from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ben-razor/basic-skills';


BasicSkills DataModel

DataModel implementation of the BasicSkills schema and definition.


npm install -D @datamodels/basic-skills


A lightweight schema for skills and credentials



The BasicSkills schema defines the format of a document that contains the properties listed below. Properties not defined in the schema cannot be included in the BasicSkills.

Property Description Value Max Size Required Example
name A human readable name for the skill. string false
id A unique identifier (e.g. uuid or uri) to allow applications to use this skill. string false
description An optional description to add more details. string false
tags Tags to allow easier searching of skills. array false
image An optional image to use when displaying the skill. string false
details A link to a document giving details about the status of the skill. E.g. terms of use / revocation status. string false
issuer A unique identifier representing an issuer of the skill (e.g. did of an institution). string false
issuedDate The date the skill was obtained (ISO8601 DateTime format). string false
expiresDate The date the skill expires / must be renewed (ISO8601 DateTime format). string false
issuerVerification A proof mechanism to verify that the issuer certifies the skill. Based on https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/#proofs-signatures. object false


Dual licensed under MIT and Apache 2