
Health check client and service for use with gRPC-node.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bermilabsGrpcHealthCheck from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bermilabs/grpc-health-check';



Health check client and service for use with gRPC-node.


This package exports both a client and server that adhere to the gRPC Health Checking Protocol.

By using this package, clients and servers can rely on common proto and service definitions. This means:

  • Clients can use the generated stubs to health check any server that adheres to the protocol.
  • Servers do not reimplement common logic for publishing health statuses.


Use the package manager npm to install grpc-health-check.

npm install grpc-health-check



Any gRPC-node server can use grpc-health-check to adhere to the gRPC Health Checking Protocol. The following shows how this package can be added to a pre-existing gRPC server.

// Import package
let health = require('grpc-health-check');

// Define service status map. Key is the service name, value is the corresponding status.
// By convention, the empty string "" key represents that status of the entire server.
const statusMap = {
  "ServiceFoo": proto.grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckResponse.ServingStatus.SERVING,
  "ServiceBar": proto.grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckResponse.ServingStatus.NOT_SERVING,
  "": proto.grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckResponse.ServingStatus.NOT_SERVING,

// Construct the service implementation
let healthImpl = new health.Implementation(statusMap);

// Add the service and implementation to your pre-existing gRPC-node server
server.addService(health.service, healthImpl);

Congrats! Your server now allows any client to run a health check against it.


Any gRPC-node client can use grpc-health-check to run health checks against other servers that follow the protocol.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Apache License 2.0