
Wrap your component to work with side effects easier

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bizicoReactPromise from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bizico/react-promise';



wrap your component to work with side effects easier

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save @bizico/react-promise


Usage React hooks

// Change global config for useQuery

// Get global config
useQuery(promise, config) -> [state, action]

possible configuration

  • skip: true/false, default false - if you want to skip firs query
  • variables: any, default null - if you want to call refetch when som data is changed
  • defaultData: any, default null - data for initial state
useManipulate(promise) -> [state, action]
// Check if there are loading in some states
useLoadingForStates(state1, state2, ...) -> true/false


  • loading: true/false, default false
  • data: any, default == defaultData from configuration
  • error: error, default null

action - special function to call your promise with first argument variables (if you use useQuery) and update the state


import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { List, Input, Button } from 'antd';
import { useQuery, useManipulate, useLoadingForStates } from 'bizico-react-promise';

const ListData = {
  data: [
    { id: 1, label: 'Item 1' },
    { id: 2, label: 'Item 2' },
    { id: 3, label: 'Item 3' },
  load: function() {
    return Promise.resolve([...this.data]);
  add: function (label) {
    const id = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1)
    this.data.push({ label, id });
    return Promise.resolve(id);
  remove: function (id) {
    this.data = this.data.filter((item) => item.id !== id);
    return Promise.resolve(id);

const ListExample = () => {
  const [state, refetch] = useQuery(
    () => ListData.load(),
    { defaultData: [] },
  const [addState, add] = useManipulate(
    (d) => ListData.add(d),
  const [removeState, remove] = useManipulate(
    (id) => ListData.remove(id),
  const loading = useLoadingForStates(state, addState, removeState);

  const [value, setValue] = useState('');
  const handleChange = useCallback((e) => {
  }, [setValue]);

  const handleAdd = useCallback((label) => {
    if (label) {
        .then(() => refetch())
        .then(() => setValue(''));
  }, [add, refetch, setValue]);

  const handleRemove = useCallback((id) => {
    remove(id).then(() => refetch());
  }, [remove, refetch]);

  return (
      <List loading={loading}>
        {state.data.map((item) => (
              <a href="/" onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); handleRemove(item.id); }}>delete</a>,
      {!loading && (
          <br />
            placeholder="new item label"
          <Button onClick={() => handleAdd(value)}>Add</Button>
          <Button onClick={refetch}>Refetch</Button>

Usage Query (query hoc)

import React from 'react';
import { Query } from '@bizico/react-promise';
import Button from '../components/Button';
import Loader from '../components/Loader';
import Error from '../components/Error';

const promise = () => new Promise((resolve) => {
  setTimeout(() => resolve('Loaded Data'), 2000);

const Example = () => (
    defaultData="Loading ..."
    loading={(props) => <Loader {...props} />}
    error={(props) => <Error {...props} />}
    {({ data: { data, refetch } }) => (
        <Button onClick={refetch}>Refresh</Button>
import React from 'react';
import { query, PromisePropTypes } from '@bizico/react-promise';
import Button from '../components/Button';
import Loader from '../components/Loader';
import Error from '../components/Error';

const promise = () => new Promise((resolve) => {
  setTimeout(() => resolve('Loaded Data'), 2000);

const Example = ({ data: { data, refetch } }) => (
    <Button onClick={refetch}>Refresh</Button>

Example.propTypes = {
  data: PromisePropTypes.isRequired,

const Component = query({
  name: 'data',
  defaultData: 'Loading ...',
  loading: (props) => <Loader {...props} />,
  error: (props) => <Error {...props} />,


Name Description Type Default
promise Get promise to load data ({...props, ...variables}, ...args): Promise -
skip If true then promise will not be called immediately (props): Boolean props => false
complete Map data if Promise is fulfilled (data): any data => data
loading Loader component when Promise is pending ({...props, ...variables}): Component null
error Error component when Promise is rejected ({...props, ...variables}): Component null
variables Refetch promise if variables are changed (shallow compare) (props): Object or Object null
name Prop Name String data
defaultData Default data if promise is not loaded (props): any or any null


Name Description Type
refetch Refetch promise with extra args (props, ...args): Promise
data Response data any
loading Promise state Boolean
error if promise is rejected Error

Usage Manipulation (manipulation hoc)

import React from 'react';
import { Manipulation } from '@bizico/react-promise';
import Button from '../components/Button';
import Loader from '../components/Loader';
import Error from '../components/Error';

const promises = {
  updateFirst: (props, ...args) => (
    new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve('Loaded: First Data'), 1000);
  updateSecond: (props, ...args) => (
    new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve('Loaded: Second Data'), 1000);

const Example = () => (
    loading={(props) => <Loader {...props} />}
    error={(props) => <Error {...props} />},
    {({ manipulation: { updateFirst, updateSecond } }) => (
        {updateFirst.data && <div>{updateFirst.data}</div>}
        {updateSecond.data && <div>{updateSecond.data}</div>}
        <Button onClick={() => updateFirst.manipulate('First action')}>Update First</Button>
        <Button onClick={() => updateSecond.manipulate('Second action')}>Update Second</Button>
import React from 'react';
import { manipulation, manipulationPropTypes } from '@bizico/react-promise';
import Button from '../components/Button';
import Loader from '../components/Loader';
import Error from '../components/Error';

const promises = {
  updateFirst: () => (
    new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve('Loaded: First Data'), 1000);
  updateSecond: () => (
    new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve('Loaded: Second Data'), 1000);

const Example = ({ manipulation: { updateFirst, updateSecond } }) => (
    {updateFirst.data && <div>{updateFirst.data}</div>}
    {updateSecond.data && <div>{updateSecond.data}</div>}
    <Button onClick={() => updateFirst.manipulate('First action')}>Update First</Button>
    <Button onClick={() => updateSecond.manipulate('Second action')}>Update Second</Button>

Example.propTypes = {
  manipulation: manipulationPropTypes('updateFirst', 'updateSecond').isRequired,

const Wrapper = manipulation({
  name: 'manipulation',
  loading: (props) => <Loader {...props} />,
  error:(props) => <Error {...props} />,


Name Description Type Default
promises Get promises to load/manipulate data (props, ...args): Object -
loading Loader component when Promise is pending (props): Component null
error Error component when Promise is rejected (props): Component null
name Prop Name String manipulation


Name Description Type
loading Promise state Boolean
error if promise is rejected Error


MIT © Bizico