
graphql client to read/write data on abt node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import blockletSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@blocklet/sdk';



Blocklet SDK for blocklet developer


yarn add @blocklet/sdk


npm install @blocklet/sdk

Auth SDK


const Auth = require('@blocklet/sdk/service/auth');

const client = new Auth();

const userDid = 'xxxxxxxx';

const { user } = await client.getUser(userDid);



Get user by user did

  • @param did string
  • @return { code, user }


Get all users of the team

  • @return { code, users }


Get all permissions of a role

  • @param role string
  • @return { code, permissions }


Get all roles of the team

  • @return { code, roles }

client.createRole({ name, title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the role, should be unique
  • @param title string
  • @param description string
  • @return { code, role }

client.updateRole(name, { title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the role
  • @param title string
  • @param description string
  • @return { code, role }

client.deleteRole(name, { title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the role
  • @return { code }

client.grantPermissionForRole(role, permission)

  • @param role string the name of the role
  • @param permission string the name of the permission
  • @return { code }

client.revokePermissionFromRole(role, permission)

  • @param role string the name of the role
  • @param permission string the name of the permission
  • @return { code }

client.updatePermissionsForRole(role, permissions)

Full update permissions of a role

  • @param role string the name of the role
  • @param permissions array<string> name of the permissions
  • @return { code, role }

client.hasPermission(role, permission)

  • @param role string the name of the role
  • @param permission string the name of the permission
  • @return { code, result }
    • result boolean


Get all permissions of the team

  • @return { code, permissions }

client.createPermission({ name, title, description })

  • @param name Permission the key of the permission, should be unique
    • format: <action>_<resource>. e.g. query_article, mutate_user
  • @param description string
  • @return { code, role }

client.updatePermission(name, { title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the role
  • @param title string
  • @param description string
  • @return { code }

client.deletePermission(name, { title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the permission
  • @return { code }

Notification SDK


const Notification = require('@blocklet/sdk/service/notification');

const userDid = 'xxxxxxxx';

const notification = {
  title: 'xxx',
  body: 'xxx',
  attachments: [
      type: 'asset',
      data: {
        did: 'xxx',
        chainHost: 'https://chainhost',
  actions: [
      name: 'xxx',
      title: 'Go To Website',
      link: 'https://arcblock.io',

const content = { message: 'this is a message' };
const actions = [];

await Notification.sendToUser(userDid, notification);

await Notification.sendToUser(userDid, [notification, anotherNotification]);
await Notification.sendToUser([userDid, anotherUserDid], notification);
await Notification.sendToUser([userDid, anotherUserDid], [notification, anotherNotification]);


notification.sendToUser(receiver, notification)

Send notification to an account

  • receiver string | array<string> required
  • notification object | array<object> required
    • notification.title string
    • notification.body string
    • notification.attachments array<object>
      • attachment.type enum 'asset', 'vc', 'token' required
      • attachment.data object
        • type: text
          • type string
          • message string
        • type: asset
          • did string
          • chainHost string uri
        • type: vc
          • credential object
          • tag string
        • type: token
          • address string did
          • amount string
          • symbol string
          • senderDid string
          • chainHost string
          • decimal integer
    • notification.actions array<object>
      • name string required
      • title string
      • color string
      • bgColor string
      • link string uri

WalletAuthenticator SDK


const { WalletAuthenticator } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

const authenticator = new WalletAuthenticator();

WalletHandler SDK


const AuthStorage = require('@arcblock/did-auth-storage-nedb');
const { WalletAuthenticator, WalletHandlers } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

const authenticator = new WalletAuthenticator();

const handlers = new WalletHandlers({
  tokenGenerator: () => Date.now().toString(),
  tokenStorage: new AuthStorage({
    dbPath: path.join(process.env.BLOCKLET_DATA_DIR, 'auth.db'),
    onload: (err) => {
      if (err) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
        console.error(`Failed to load database from ${path.join(process.env.BLOCKLET_DATA_DIR, 'auth.db')}`, err);

Database SDK

A database library for develop blocklet, it's a wrapper of nedb. Supply a simpler way to use nedb. Just use new Database([dbName]), or you can pass a object option as second parameter to create a database as origin nedb way new Database([dbName], [options])

Supply full-promise support.


const { Database } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

(async () => {
  const db1 = new Database('db1');
  const data1 = await db1.find().skip(1).limit(10);

  class MyDatabase extends Database {
    constructor(name) {

    async extraFn() {
      return 'extra';
  const db2 = new MyDatabase('db2');
  const data2 = await db2.find().paginate(1, 10);
  const data2Extra = await db2.extraFn();



const { getWallet } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

// wallet is an instance of @ocap/wallet const { wallet } = env;
const wallet = getWallet();
const { address, secretKey, publicKey } = wallet;



const { env } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

const { appId, appName, appDescription, appUrl, isComponent, dataDir, cacheDir } = env;



const express = require('express');
const { middlewares } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

const app = express();

app.get('/', middlewares.user(), (req, res) => {
  const { did, fullName, role } = req.user;

app.get('/auth1', middlewares.auth(), (req, res) => {
  // will return 401 if user is not connected

app.get('/auth2', middlewares.auth({ roles: ['admin', 'owner'] }), (req, res) => {
  // will return 401 if user is not connected
  // will return 403 if user role is neither owner nor admin

app.get('/auth2', middlewares.auth({ permissions: ['mutate_data', 'query_data'] }), (req, res) => {
  // will return 401 if user is not connected
  // will return 403 if neither 'mutate_data' nor 'query data' in user permissions

  middlewares.auth({ roles: ['admin', 'owner'], permissions: ['mutate_data', 'query_data'] }),
  (req, res) => {
    // will return 401 if user is not connected
    // will return 403 if user role is neither owner nor admin
    // will return 403 if neither 'mutate_data' nor 'query data' in user permissions