
A convention based argument parsing and formatting library, with strict validation checks.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import boostArgs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@boost/args';


Args - Boost

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A convention based argument parsing and formatting library, with strict validation checks. It is not a command line interface.

import { parse } from '@boost/args';

interface Options {
    help: boolean;
    logLevel: 'info' | 'error' | 'warn';
    version: boolean;

const { command, errors, options, params, rest } = parse<Options>(process.argv.slice(2), {
    commands: ['build', 'install', 'update'],
    options: {
        help: {
            default: false,
            description: 'Show a help menu',
            type: 'boolean',
            short: 'H',
        logLevel: {
            choices: ['info', 'error', 'warn'],
            default: 'info',
            description: 'Customize logging level',
        version: {
            default: false,
            description: 'Show the version number',
            type: 'boolean',
            short: 'V',


  • Commands and sub-commands: cmd, cmd:sub
  • Options (long and short) that set a value(s): --foo value, --foo=value, -f value, -f=value
    • Camel (preferred) or kebab cased option names.
  • Flags (boolean options) that take no value: --bar, -B
    • With implicit negation support: --no-bar
  • Parameters that act as standalone values: foo bar baz
    • Can be marked as required.
  • Rest arguments that are passed to subsequent scripts (aggregated after --): foo -- bar
  • Supports string, number, boolean, and list based values, with the addition of:
    • Single value based on a list of possible choices.
    • Multiple values with optional arity count requirements.
  • Group multiple short options under a single argument: -fBp
    • Increment a counter each time a short option is found in a group.
  • Strict parser and validation checks, allowing for informative interfaces.
    • Custom option and param validation for increased accuracy.


yarn add @boost/args
