
Experimental decorators for common patterns.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import boostDecorators from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@boost/decorators';


Decorators - Boost

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Experimental decorators for common patterns.

import { Bind, Memoize } from '@boost/decorators';

class Example {
    referencedMethod() {
        return this; // Class instance

    someExpensiveOperation() {
        // Do something heavy


  • @Bind - Autobind a method's this to the class context.
  • @Debounce - Defer the execution of a method in milliseconds.
  • @Deprecate - Mark a property, method, or class as deprecated.
  • @Memoize - Cache and return the result of a method execution.
  • @Throttle - Throttle the execution of a method to a timeframe in milliseconds.


yarn add @boost/decorators
