
This package is related to i18n-dev, it does the same except that it will use local localization files and it is not auto uploading missing keys. It also has a smaller bundle size so it's adviced to use this package for production.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import borealisgroupI18nProd from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@borealisgroup/i18n-prod';



This package is related to i18n-dev, it does the same except that it will use local localization files and it is not auto uploading missing keys. It also has a smaller bundle size so it's adviced to use this package for production.


  • React


  • Use i18n-dev for development purposes, this setup assumes that you already did the setup steps of i18n-dev.
  • Install this package: yarn add @borealisgroup/i18n-prod
  • Install locize-cli as a dev dependency yarn add locize-cli -D
  • Add the following command to the script tag in your package.json
"scripts": {
    "locize:download": "locize download --project-id <Your locize project id> --ver latest --path ./public/locales"
  • Run yarn locize:download. This should fetch all the language files and save it in the public/locales folder.
  • Go to the src/i18n folder and create a new component named I18nProd.jsx with the following code
import React from 'react';
import i18nConfig from '@borealisgroup/i18n-prod';
import { I18nextProvider } from 'react-i18next';

const I18n = ({ children }) => (
  <I18nextProvider i18n={i18nConfig}>{children}</I18nextProvider>

export default I18n;
  • We could now in src/i18n/index.js point to this component but we don't want do that manually, paste the following script tags in your package.json so that if you run your app in dev you use the dev library and when you build you switch to production mode
"scripts": {
    "build": "yarn i18n:switch-to-prod && rescripts build",
    "start": "yarn i18n:switch-to-dev && rescripts start",
    "i18n:switch-to-dev": "rm \"src/i18n/index.js\" && echo \"export { default as I18n } from './I18nDev';\r\" > \"src/i18n/index.js\"",
    "i18n:switch-to-prod": "rm \"src/i18n/index.js\" && echo \"export { default as I18n } from './I18nProd';\r\" > \"src/i18n/index.js\" && yarn locize:download",