
Bot Framework middleware component for the Cognitive Services Text Analytics API, including sentiment analysis, language detection, entity extraction, and keyword recognition.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import botbuildercommunityMiddlewareTextAnalytics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@botbuildercommunity/middleware-text-analytics';


Text Analytics Middleware

The Text Analytics Middleware offers Bot Framework middleware components for the Cognitive Services Text Analytics API. You will need an Azure account, as well as a Cognitive Services resource created on Azure. Take a look at the Microsoft Text Analytics API documentation for details.


npm install @botbuildercommunity/middleware-text-analytics --save


All middleware is created and used in the same way. For example, for sentiment analysis, import the SentimentAnalysis class from the package, and add it to your bot adapter:

import { SentimentAnalysis } from '@botbuildercommunity/middleware-text-analytics';


The CLIENT_OPTIONS parameter is optional.

Note that the TEXT_ANALYTICS_API_ENDPOINT will be the Cognitive Services endpoint root. For example: https://eastus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com

When used, the turnState on the TurnContext will have a property named sentimentScore between 0 and 1. A full example can be seen in the sample bot test file.

Supported middleware classes include:

  • SentimentAnalysis
  • LanguageDetection
  • KeyPhrases
  • EntityExtraction

Each class takes the two required parameters in the example usage above (with the SERVICE_CLIENT_OPTIONS parameter being optional).

In each case, properties are added to the turnState of the TurnContext. You can retrieve them in your bot via:

  • context.turnState.get('sentimentScore') //This is a number for SentimentAnalysis
  • context.turnState.get('language') //This is a string for LanguageDetection
  • context.turnState.get('keyPhrases') //This is an array of strings for KeyPhrases
  • context.turnState.get('textEntities') //This is an array of EntityRecord typesforEntityExtraction`