
InversifyJS helpers for sqrs package

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brainhubeuSqrsInversify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@brainhubeu/sqrs-inversify';



This package provides helpers for using sqrs with InversifyJS library.


SQRS Module

SQRS module registers all handler providers and default implementation of the buses.

import { Container } from 'inversify';
import { commandBusId, CommandBus } from '@brainhubeu/sqrs';
import { SQRSModule } from '@brainhubeu/sqrs-inversify';

const container = new Container();


// Will resolve to DefaultCommandBus
const commandBus = container.get<CommandBus>(commandBusId);


ContainerBuilder is a helper class that allows you to use InversifyJS without decorators in type safe manner.

Example usage of ContainerBuilder:

import {
} from '@brainhubeu/sqrs';
import { ContainerBuilder } from '@brainhubeu/sqrs-inversify';

// Assuming CreateNoteCommand, NoteRepository are declared
class CreateNoteCommandHandler implements CommandHandler<CreateNoteCommand> {
  static type = CommandTypes.CreateNote;

  static dependencies: Dependencies<typeof CreateNoteCommandHandler> = [

  constructor (
    private readonly eventBus: EventBus,
    private readonly noteRepository: NoteRepository,
  ) {

  async handle (command: CreateNoteCommand) {
    const note = new Note(command.text);

    await this.noteRepository.save(note);


const container = new Container();
const builder = new ContainerBuilder(container);


// Or using a module
const module = new ContainerModule(bind => {
  const builder = new ContainerBuilder(bind);


It can be used with classes that have static field called dependencies, e.g.:

class Foo {
  static dependencies = [];

The type of dependencies should be Dependencies imported from sqrs module. This type reflects arguments of the constructor and requires correct order and number of identifiers of type DependencyIdentifier<T>, e.g.:

import {
} from '@brainhubeu/sqrs';

type Foo = {};
type Baz = {};

const bazId = depId<Baz>('Baz')
const fooId = depId<Foo>('Foo')

class Bar {
  static dependencies: Dependencies<typeof Bar> = [

  constructor (
    foo: Foo,
    baz: Baz,
  ) {

When you change the order of constructor arguments or their types, dependencies will cause an error guarding the types that are injected.

To register a type that has dependencies static field use registerType method.

import { Container } from 'inversify';
import { depId } from '@brainhubeu/sqrs';
import { ContainerBuilder } from '@brainhubeu/sqrs-inversify';

const container = new Container();
const builder = new ContainerBuilder(container);

const barId = depId<Bar>('Bar');

builder.registerType(barId, Bar);

ContainerBuilder exposes methods that allow for easy registration of:

  • command handlers
  • query handlers
  • event handlers

To register a CommandHandler implementation add static fields dependencies and type to the class. The type field represents the type of command that this command handler handles, e.g.

class CreateNoteCommandHandler implements CommandHandler<CreateNoteCommand> {
  static type = CommandTypes.CreateNote;
  static dependencies: Dependencies<typeof CreateNoteCommandHandler> = [


  constructor () {


 * same as 
 * containerBuilder.registerType(
 *   commandHandlerId(CommandTypes.CreateNote),
 *   CreateNoteCommandHandler
 * )

To register a QueryHandler implementation add static fields dependencies and queryName to the class. The queryName field represents the name of query that this handler handles, e.g.

class GetNotesQueryHandler implements QueryHandler<GetNotesQuery> {
  static queryName = QueryNames.GetNote;
  static dependencies: Dependencies<typeof GetNotesQueryHandler> = [


  constructor () {


 * same as 
 * containerBuilder.registerType(
 *   queryHandlerId(QueryNames.GetNotes),
 *   GetNotesQueryHandler
 * )

To register an EventHandler implementation add static fields dependencies and type to the class. The type field represents the type of event that this handler handles or an array of types that this handler handles, e.g.

class NoteCreatedEventHandler implements EventHandler<NoteCreatedEvent> {
  // Could also be [ EventTypes.NoteCreated ];
  static type = EventTypes.NoteCreated;
  static dependencies: Dependencies<typeof GetNotesQueryHandler> = [


  constructor () {


 * same as calling following for each event type
 * containerBuilder.registerType(
 *   eventHandlerId(eventType),
 *   NoteCreatedEventHandler
 * )