
A module for getting a URL to a Brightcove Player.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brightcovePlayerUrl from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@brightcove/player-url';



A module for getting a URL to a Brightcove Player.


npm install --save @brightcove/player-url


To include @brightcove/player-url on your website or web application, use any of the following methods.

ES Modules

When using in an ES modules-compatible environment or bundler like Rollup or webpack, install @brightcove/player-url via npm and import the plugin as you would any other module.

import brightcovePlayerUrl from '@brightcove/player-url';

const myPlayerUrl = brightcovePlayerUrl({
  accountId: '1234567890',
  playerId: 'abc123xyz'

console.log(myPlayerUrl); // https://players.brightcove.net/1234567890/abc123xyz_default/index.min.js


When using with Browserify, install @brightcove/player-url via npm and require the plugin as you would any other module.

var brightcovePlayerUrl = require('@brightcove/player-url');

var myPlayerUrl = brightcovePlayerUrl({
  accountId: '1234567890',
  playerId: 'abc123xyz'

console.log(myPlayerUrl); // https://players.brightcove.net/1234567890/abc123xyz_default/index.min.js


When using with RequireJS (or another AMD library), get the script in whatever way you prefer and require the plugin as you normally would:

require(['@brightcove/player-url'], function(brightcovePlayerUrl) {
  var myPlayerUrl = brightcovePlayerUrl({
    accountId: '1234567890',
    playerId: 'abc123xyz'

  console.log(myPlayerUrl); // https://players.brightcove.net/1234567890/abc123xyz_default/index.min.js

<script> Tag

This is the simplest case and least recommended. We expect most will bundle this module into an application or another module.

<script src="//path/to/brightcove-player-url.min.js"></script>
  var myPlayerUrl = brightcovePlayerUrl({
    accountId: '1234567890',
    playerId: 'abc123xyz'

  console.log(myPlayerUrl); // https://players.brightcove.net/1234567890/abc123xyz_default/index.min.js


This module takes the following parameters.


Required Type: string

A Brightcove account ID.


Type: string Default: "default"

A Brightcove player ID.


Type: string Default: "default"

A Brightcove player embed ID.


Type: boolean Default: false

Whether to return a URL for an HTML document to be embedded in an iframe.


Type: boolean Default: true

When the iframe parameter is false, this can be used to control whether the minified or unminified JavaScript URL is returned.


Type: string Default: "https://players.brightcove.net"

A base CDN protocol and hostname. Mainly used for testing, but could have other uses. May have a trailing slash or not.


Type: Object Default: null

When the iframe parameter is true, this can be used to add a query string to the URL with a whitelist of possible parameters:

  • adConfigId: A playback token that specifies which SSAI configuration, CDN and DVR options to use for a Brightcove Live stream.
  • applicationId: An application ID used to differentiate analytics across different uses of the same player.
  • catalogSearch: A Video Cloud catalog search to perform.
  • catalogSequence: A Video Cloud catalog sequence used to populate a playlist.
  • playlistId: A Video Cloud playlist ID to load.
  • playlistVideoId: A video ID at which to begin Video Cloud playlist playback.
  • videoId: A Video Cloud video ID to load.


Apache-2.0. Copyright (c) Brightcove, Inc.