
An entity component system plugin using phaser3 for the entities and components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import browndragonPhaser3Ecs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@browndragon/phaser3-ecs';



Binds @browndragon/ecs to the phaser.io library.

See @browndragon/phaser3-ecs-examples for examples (shared lerna monorepo).


The root is the Scene.System which should (ideally in its constructor) this.runSystem(SomeSystem) for all intended systems.

Each System has the scene methods preload() and create(), as well as System-and-scene-method update(context, time, delta). The System is constructed with a this.scene reference as well, for access to scene facilities.

While the Scene does expose addEntity and removeEntity actions, it's assumed you'll be doing most of your work within Systems; the context.observe and context.remove actions are much more convenient.