
Makes useful commands available in the command line for working with the Buffer codebase.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bufferappBufferCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bufferapp/buffer-cli';



Makes useful commands available in the command line for working with the Buffer codebase.

How to use

Install buffer-cli globally: npm i -g @bufferapp/buffer-cli. Commands below will be automatically available in the command line.

Available commands

  • create-buffer-package <package-name> [--es5]

    Creates a repo that's ready to be published on npm, with a base environment development configuration.

    By default, such a repo will be automatically transpiled for use in es5 environments upon publishing. If you're writing es5 code only and don't want to transpile your code, pass the optional --es5 parameter when creating the repo.


To add a new command:

  • Create a new JS file in /bin
  • Wire up that file to the desired command in package.json's bin object
  • Document that command in the Available commands paragraph above
  • Bump the buffer-cli version using semver
  • Publish the new version of buffer-cli to npm, and share this new addition with the team on Discourse while inviting them to npm update -g @bufferapp/buffer-cli