
Buffer Service Brigade Scripts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bufferappBufferServiceBrigadeScripts from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bufferapp/buffer-service-brigade-scripts';



NPM Package for brigade scripts

Table Of Contents


Create A Brigade Project

A brigade project uses a secret to be used as configuration, sensitive information can be stored in the file that can be used during the deployment phase -- things like ENV vars with keys.

Create an example brigade secret file (lets call in my-app-secrets.yaml): https://github.com/Azure/brigade/blob/master/docs/topics/github.md#configuring-your-project

Deploy the brigade project with helm

helm upgrade --install my-app-secrets brigade/brigade-project -f my-app-secrets.yaml --namespace brigade

Hook Up The Webhook on github

Follow these instructions on the repo you'd like to deploy with https://brigade-gateway.buffer.com/events/github as YOUR_HOSTNAME:


Configure The Repo

There are usually three parts to this

A full list of configuration options for this package can be found in the Example Configuration section.

Example Configuration


This script gets called that triggers deployments

const brigade = require('brigadier')
const brigadeScripts = require('@bufferapp/buffer-service-brigade-scripts')

  chartmuseumUrl: 'http://chartmuseum-chartmuseum.default', // default
  valuesPath: 'values.yaml', // default
  helmChart: 'buffer-service', // default
  // environment vars to set on container
  // (on top of any set in the values.yaml)
  envVars: [
      name: 'MONGO_URL',
      projectSecret: 'MONGO_URL',
      name: 'MONGO_DATABASE',
      projectSecret: 'MONGO_DATABASE',
      name: 'BUGSNAG_KEY',
      projectSecret: 'BUGSNAG_KEY',
    // can also specify a value if you wanted to
    // {
    //   name: 'SOME_ENV_VAR_NAME',
    //   value: 'SOME_ENV_VAR_VALUE',
    // },
  // deploy to a namespace when a branch PR is opened or synced
  // destroys when the PR is closed
  // chooses the first namespace in the list where the branch matches the regex
  // this one does all dev deploys onto the dev namespace
  devDeploys: [
    // {
    //   branch: /^reply-dev$/,
    //   namespace: 'reply-dev',
    // },
      branch: /.*/,
      namespace: 'dev',
  // set to true to do a dry run on PR opened or synced
  // overrides devDeploys
  // does not change default branch behavior
  deployDryRun: false,


Describes which version of the scripts to use

  "dependencies": {
    "@bufferapp/buffer-service-brigade-scripts": "0.0.1"