
react-rbac-ui-manager is a simple RBAC (Role Based Access Control) user interface library based on the material design system using the Material-UI lib.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import buildSecurityReactRbacUiManager from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@build-security/react-rbac-ui-manager';


React RBAC UI Manager - User Guide

react-rbac-ui-manager is a simple RBAC (Role Based Access Control) user interface library based on the material design system using the Material-UI lib.

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This lib generates a simple json output of the roles and permissions and can be used internally with any react with material-ui based application.

react rbac ui manager - live demo

Table of contents


npm install @build-security/react-rbac-ui-manager --save

If your project doesn't already use them, you need to install @material-ui/core, @material-ui/icons and @material-ui/lab as well.


Check the live working example on codesandbox:
Edit react-rbac-ui-sample


Simple usage:

import Rbac from "@build-security/react-rbac-ui-manager";
import { PermissionsObject } from "@build-security/react-rbac-ui-manager/dist/types";

const handleChange = (value: PermissionsObject) => {


Customized icons:

import Rbac from "@build-security/react-rbac-ui-manager";
import { PermissionsObject } from "@build-security/react-rbac-ui-manager/dist/types";
import DeleteIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Delete';
import styled from "styled-components";

const handleChange = (value: PermissionsObject) => {

const deleteIcon = styled(DeleteIcon)`
    background: red;
    color: black;

    &.MuiSvgIcon-colorError {
        color: black;
        deleteIcon: deleteIcon

👉 Note - the JSON Viewer is not part of this lib.
The live example (in codesandbox) contains a working version with external viewer


<Rbac />

The Rbac component accepts the following props (none of which is required):

Name Type Description
defaultValue object JSON structure, same as the one that is generated by the lib
onChange function Callback fired on every change.
function(data: object) => void
data: The JSON object with the new value.
resourceForbiddenCharsRegex RegExp Regular expression to remove invalid characters from the resource
buttons object Object contains buttons to be used as replacement for the default buttons (see below)
icons object Object contains icons to be used as replacement for the default icons (see below)
components object Object contains components to be used as replacement for the default components (see below)

The Buttons object: |Name|Type|Description |:--|:-----|:-----| |cancelButton|node|The component to use for the cancel button inside the modal |closeButton|node|The component to use for the close button inside the modal |deleteButton|node|The component to use for the delete button inside the modal |saveButton|node|The component to use for the save button inside the modal

The Icons object: |Name|Type|Description |:--|:-----|:-----| |deleteIcon|node|The component to use for the delete icon in the roles column |editIcon|node|The component to use for the edit icon in the roles column |treeAddIcon|node|The component to use for the add icon in the tree |treeCollapseIcon|node|The component to use for the collapse icon in the tree |treeDeleteIcon|node|The component to use for the delete icon in the tree |treeExpandIcon|node|The component to use for the expand icon in the tree |treeEditIcon|node|The component to use for the edit icon in the tree |treeNodeIcon|node|The component to use for the non-expandable node in the tree |treeParentIcon|node|The component to use for the expandable node in the tree

The Components object: |Name|Type|Description |:--|:-----|:-----| |addResource|node|The component to use for the Add Resource block |addRole|node|The component to use for the Add Role block |checkboxTableContainer|node|The component to use for the container of the checkbox table |roleTag|node|The component to use for the role name tag


Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2021-present Dekel Braunstein.

See LICENSE for more information.