
See our main readme for info on getting started with the React SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import builderIoReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@builder.io/react';


Builder.io React SDK

See our main readme for info on getting started with the React SDK

Also see our examples of using React with a design system or a simple example and how to use your React components in the visual editor!

Also see our docs for Next.js and Gatsby

React API


Simple example

// Render a matching Builder page for the given URl
<BuilderComponent model="page">

See our guides for Gatsby and Next.js for guides on using with those frameworks

Passing content manually

This is useful for doing server side rendering, e.g. with Gatsby and Next.js or via loading data from other sources than our default APIs, such as data in your own database saved via webhooks

const content = await builder.get('page', { ...options });
if (content) {
  document.title = content.data.title; // You can use custom fields from the response
  return <BuilderComponent model="page" content={content} >

Passing data and functions down

You can also pass data and functions down to the Builder component to use in the UIs (e.g. bind data values to UIs e.g. for text values or iterating over lists, and actions to trigger for instance on click of a button)

All data passed down is available in Builder actions and bindings as state.*, for instance in the below example state.products, etc will be available

    products: productsList,
    foo: 'bar'
  }} >

You can also pass down functions, complex data like custom objects and libraries you can use context. Similar to React context, context passes all the way down (e.g. through symbols, etc). This data is not observed for changes and mutations

    addToCart: () => myService.addToCart(currentProduct),
    lodash: lodash,
  }} >

Context is available in actions and bindings as context.*, such as context.lodash or context.myFunction() in the example above

Passing complex

Everything passed down is available on the state object in data and actions - e.g. state.products[0].name

See more about using data passed down here

Advanced querying

When using custom models and fields you can do more advanced filtering of your content with queries and targeting

import { BuilderComponent, builder } from '@builder.io/react';

builder.setUserAttributes({ isLoggedIn: false })

export default () => <div>
     options={{ query: { 'data.something.$in': ['value a', 'value b'] } }} />
  <!-- some other content -->


The contentLoaded callback can be useful for when you add custom fields

  contentLoaded={data => {
    document.title = data.title; // E.g. if your custom field is called `title`


The global Builder singleton has a number of uses. Most important is registering custom components.

import * as React from 'react';
import SyntaxHighlighter from 'react-syntax-highlighter';
import { Builder } from '@builder.io/react';

class CodeBlockComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <SyntaxHighlighter language={this.props.language}>{this.props.code}</SyntaxHighlighter>;

Builder.registerComponent(CodeBlockComponent, {
  name: 'Code Block',
  inputs: [
      name: 'code',
      type: 'string',
      defaultValue: 'const incr = num => num + 1',
      name: 'language',
      type: 'string',
      defaultValue: 'javascript',

See our full guide on registering custom components here


Usage with Data Models

Although you can already fetch data models from our Content API directly and use it as you would any other API resource, with a BuilderContent component you are able to use live Editing / Previewing / A/B testing of your Data Models within the Builder Visual Editor.

Example, setting up an editable theme:
 <BuilderContent model="site-settings"> { (data, loading) => {
   If (loading) {
     return <Spinner />
   return <>
      /*pass values down to an example ThemeProvider, used as a wrapper in your application*/     
       <ThemeProvider theme={data.theme} > 

Usage with Page/Section Custom Fields

Page and section models in builder can be extended with custom fields. To enable live editing / previewing on components that uses those custom fields, you can use BuilderContent to pass input data from the model to your components that are outside the rendered content

Example, passing Custom Field input:
<BuilderContent model="landing-page">{ (data) => {
       /*use your data here within your custom component*/
        return <>
           <FeaturedImage image={data.featuredImage} />
           <BuilderComponent content={content} model="landing-page" />

Passing content manually

This is useful for doing server side rendering, e.g. with Gatsby and Next.js or via loading data from other sources than our default APIs, such as data in your own database saved via webhooks

const content = await builder.get(‘your-data-model’, { ...options });
if (content) {
  /*use your data here*/
  return <BuilderContent model="your-data-model" content={content} >

Advanced querying

When using custom models and fields you can do more advanced filtering of your content with queries and targeting

import { BuilderContent, builder } from '@builder.io/react';

builder.setUserAttributes({ isLoggedIn: false })

export default () => <div>
     options={{ query: { 'data.something.$in': ['value a', 'value b'] } }} />
  <!-- some other content -->


The React SDK exports the core SDK's builder object, which can be used for setting things like your API key and user attributes

import { builder } from '@builder.io/react';


// Optional custom targeting
  userIsLoggedIn: true,
  whateverKey: 'whatever value',