
fully automated and extensible software versioning

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bumpupCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@bumpup/cli';



npm version

This is the cli for bumpup


npm install @bumpup/cli --save-dev
npx bumpup init
npx bumpup


To see all options and commands run bumpup --help or bumpup <subcommands> help

Options and commands

bumpup bump

For convenience the bump subcommand can be executed with just bumpup too.

$ bumpup bump --help
Usage: bumpup bump [options]

bumps up the version

  -d, --dry                 executes all plugins in dry mode, preventing potentially destructive operations (default: false)
  -p, --pre                 do a prerelease (default: false)
  -l, --log <log-level>     specifies the log level (error, warn, info, verbose, debug, silly) (default: "info")
  -f, --file <config-file>  which config file to read (default: "bumpup.config.mjs")
  -h, --help                display help for command

bumpup init

$ npx bumpup init --help
Usage: bumpup init [options]

initializes a default config file

  -f, --file <config-file>  which config file to write (default: "bumpup.config.mjs")
  -d, --dry                 executes all plugins in dry mode, preventing potentially destructive operations (default: false)
  -P, --save-prod           packages will appear in your `dependencies` (default: false)
  -s, --skip-install        skip install of packages (default: false)
  -h, --help                display help for command

bumpup --version

Display the current version of @bumpup/cli

$ npx bumpup --version


A default bumpup.config.mjs config file can be generated with bumpup init. It contains the plugins for a standard 'npm, git, semver' use case.

The config file can have whatever name you want, but it has to end with *.mjs because otherwise node tries to import the config as a CommonJS Module.


A configuration file is an ES Module with a configuration object as its default export. CommonJS Modules are not supported.

The most basic example (although not very useful because it contains no plugins) would be:

export default {
    version: "2.0.0",
    plugins: []

To add a plugin import it and add it to the plugin array:

import version from '@bumpup/version-package-json';
import {type, record} from '@bumpup/type-git-tags';
import bump from '@bumpup/bump-package-json';
import determine from '@bumpup/determine-semver';

export default {
    version: "2.0.0",
    plugins: [

To pass options to a plugin add an array with the plugin and its options instead of the plugin: For a list of options supported by the plugin see the plugins doc.

import version from '@bumpup/version-package-json';
import {type, record} from '@bumpup/type-git-tags';
import bump from '@bumpup/bump-package-json';
import determine from '@bumpup/determine-semver';

export default {
    version: "2.0.0",
    plugins: [
        [bump, {dry: true}],
Inline Plugins

Because the configuration is just plain javascript it is also possible to specify a plugin inline. This might be usefull if you want to debug the workflow or slightly alter a plugins behaviour without writing an complete plugin for it.

A simple inline plugin that just logs the options and data looks like this:

import version from '@bumpup/version-package-json';
import {type, record} from '@bumpup/type-git-tags';
import bump from '@bumpup/bump-package-json';
import determine from '@bumpup/determine-semver';

export default {
    version: "2.0.0",
    plugins: [
        options => data => {
            console.log(options, data);