
Simple reverse proxy server supporting WebSockets.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cedxReverseProxy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cedx/reverse-proxy';



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Simple reverse proxy server supporting WebSockets, implemented in JavaScript.

Let's suppose you were running multiple HTTP application servers, but you only wanted to expose one machine to the Internet. You could setup Reverse-Proxy.js on that one machine and then reverse-proxy the incoming HTTP requests to locally running services which were not exposed to the outside network.


  • Configuration based on simple JSON or YAML files.
  • Routing tables based on host names.
  • Multiple instances: allows to listen on several ports, with each one having its own target(s).
  • Supports HTTPS protocol.
  • Supports WebSockets requests.
  • Supports custom HTTP headers.


The latest Node.js and npm versions. If you plan to play with the sources, you will also need the latest Gulp version.

Installing via npm

From a command prompt with administrator privileges, run:

$ npm install --global @cedx/reverse-proxy


This application provides a command line interface:

$ reverse-proxy --help

  Usage: reverse-proxy [options]
  Simple reverse proxy server supporting WebSockets.


    -h, --help               output usage information
    -v, --version            output the version number
    -a, --address <address>  address that the reverse proxy should run on []
    -p, --port <port>        port that the reverse proxy should run on [3000]
    -t, --target <target>    location of the server the proxy will target
    -c, --config <path>      location of the configuration file for the reverse proxy
    -u, --user <user>        user to drop privileges to once server socket is bound
    --silent                 silence the log output from the reverse proxy

Setup a basic stand-alone proxy server

From a command prompt:

$ reverse-proxy --port 80 --target 3000

This will proxy all HTTP requests on port 80 on all network interfaces (e.g. to port 3000 on the same host (e. g. For a different target host:

$ reverse-proxy --port 80 --target
$ reverse-proxy --port 8080 --target http://another.host:8080 --user www-data

You can also use a configuration file for the same task. See the basic_standalone.json or basic_standalone.yaml file in the example folder of this package:

$ reverse-proxy --config example/yaml/basic_standalone.yaml

For more advanced usages, you always need to use configuration files.

A target server can be expressed in two possible ways in the configuration file:

  • a string or a number representing an URI: 3000 (a port of the local host), "domain.com:8080" (an authority) or "http://domain.com:8080" (an origin).
  • an object with a uri property having the same format: {"uri": 3000}, {"uri": "domain.com:8080"} or {"uri": "http://domain.com:8080"}.


A common use-case for proxying in conjunction with HTTPS is that you have some front-facing HTTPS server, but all of your internal traffic is HTTP. In this way, you can reduce the number of servers to which your CA and other important security files are deployed and reduce the computational overhead from HTTPS traffic.

If you want the proxy server to use HTTPS protocol, you need to provide a ssl key in your configuration file.

This object will be used as the first argument to https~createServer() function when instanciating the proxy server. Its structure is similar to the options parameter of tls~createServer() function.

See the https_to_http.json or https_to_http.yaml file in the example folder. The cert and key fields are file paths: the corresponding files are loaded by the CLI script.

Proxy requests using a routing table

A routing table is a simple lookup table that maps incoming requests to proxy target locations. The mapping is based on the HTTP Host header.

To use hostname routing, you need to provide a routes key in your configuration file, instead of a target key. The value of this key is an object where keys are hostnames and values are target locations. Use an asterisk (*) as host name to define the route matched by default when a host name is not found.

See the routing_table.json or routing_table.yaml file in the example folder.

Listening on multiple ports

In order to listen on several ports, all you have to do is use a JSON array or a YAML stream containing a different configuration object for each port to listen. Consequently, each port can have its own settings and routing table.

See the multiple_ports.json or multiple_ports.yaml file in the example folder.

Adding HTTP headers to the proxied requests

It can sometimes be useful to add some HTTP headers to the requests sent to the target servers.

Let say that you have a remote service that needs basic authentication, but that you want to expose publicly. You could add an Authorization header to the proxied requests in order to let the remote service accept these requests.

To add an header to all the proxied requests of a target, you must use the object notation for this target, and a headers property providing a map of the HTTP headers to set.

The HTTP headers defined in this way will replace any existing headers with the same name.

See the http_headers.json or http_headers.yaml file in the example folder.

Configuration schema

The defaults.json or defaults.yaml file, in the example folder of this package, lists all available settings and their default values.

See also


Reverse-Proxy.js is distributed under the MIT License.