
Experimental EBSI DID Auth library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cefEbsiDidAuth from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cef-ebsi/did-auth';



EBSI DID Auth Library

Warning: Experimental version of EBSI did-auth protocol to authenticate a user and a Relaying Party using EBSI DIDs.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Authentication Flow
  3. Usage
  4. Library Test
  5. Licensing


npm install @cef-ebsi/did-auth

or if you use yarn

yarn add @cef-ebsi/did-auth

Authentication Flow

The current EBSI DID Auth implementation follows DID Auth RFC Section 4, which uses two JSON Web Tokens (JWT) signed by both two parties DID keys in a double challenge-response authentication. Current version supports only ES256k-R algorithm (the EC secp256k1) and did:ebsi DID method.

Note: This version implemented does NOT have support for custom claims. (i.e. using VerifiableID)

The DID Auth flow has the following steps:

  • A user, with a valid ebsi:did already generated, accesses on an Institution web site, Relying Party (RP) from now on, and clicks to a Login button
  • RP creates an EbsiDidAuth URI Request calling EbsiDidAuth.createUriRequest with this payload:
const didAuthRequestCall: DidAuthRequestCall = {
  redirectUri: "https://app.ebsi.xyz/demo/spanish-university", // Redirect URI after successful authentication
  signatureUri: "https://app.ebsi.xyz/wallet/v1/signatures", // EBSI wallet endpoint to create a signature
  authZToken: RPAuthZToken, // RP Access token received after calling EBSI wallet sessions endpoint

// Creates a URI using the wallet backend that manages entity DID keys
const { uri, nonce } = await EbsiDidAuth.createUriRequest(didAuthRequestCall);
  • RP receives an Open ID URI and nonce as a result:
openid://?scope=openid%20did_authn&response_type=id_token&client_id=<redirectUri>&request=<Signed JWT Request Object>

Note: RP needs to store nonce, found inside the Request token to be used on the response validation process.

  • RP redirects to the wallet front-end passing the DID-Auth URI as a parameter:
https://app.ebsi.xyz/demo/wallet?did-auth=openid://?scope=openid%20did_authn&response_type=id_token&client_id=<redirectUri>&request=<Signed JWT Request Object>
  • User wallet frontend parses the received EBSI DID Auth Request URI to obtain client_id and request URL parameters to be used to verify the token and create the Response token:
const params = new URLSearchParams(didAuthUri);
const redirectUri = params.get("client_id");
const didAuthRequestJwt = params.get("request");
const didResolver = "https://api.intebsi.xyz/did/v1/identifiers";

const requestPayload: DidAuthRequestPayload = await EbsiDidAuth.verifyDidAuthRequest(
  • After a successful validation, user creates an EBSI DID Auth Response JWT token calling EbsiDidAuth.createDidAuthResponse, reusing the Request nonce.
const didAuthResponseCall: DidAuthResponseCall = {
  hexPrivatekey: userPrivateKey, // private key managed by the user. Should be passed in hexadecimal format
  did: "did:ebsi:0x226e2e2223333c2e4c65652e452d412d50611111", // User DID
  nonce: requestPayload.nonce, // same nonce received as a Request Payload after verifying it
  redirectUri, // parsed URI from the DID Auth Request payload
const didAuthResponseJwt = await EbsiDidAuth.createDidAuthResponse(
  • User redirects to the RP redirectUri URI passing the Response token as a parameter:
https://app.ebsi.xyz/demo/spanish-university?response=<Signed JWT Response Object>
  • RP verifies the DID Auth Response token calling EbsiDidAuth.verifyDidAuthResponse passing the stored nonce:
const response = await EbsiDidAuth.verifyDidAuthResponse(
  didAuthResponseJwt, // DID Auth Response token to be validate
  "https://app.ebsi.xyz/wallet/signature-validations", // EBSI wallet endpoint to validate a signature
  RPAuthZToken, // RP Access token received after calling EBSI wallet sessions endpoint,
  nonce // RP stored nonce
  • Response object contains a JSON struct with signatureValidation set to true:
  "signatureValidation": true
  • After a successful validation, RP and user are already authenticated, and RP shows the corresponding web page



It is assumed that either the user and the Relying Party (RP) have an EBSI-DID and can use their private keys to sign a given payload.

For instance:

// User DID
const userDid = "did:ebsi:0xcAe6EFa4461262842BB58188579Ef2602c7A44fC";
// Relying Party DID
const enterpriseDid = "did:ebsi:0xDe07DBEe84cCB1F75A09e96b1f995560b7Cdf5aa";

Creating an EBSI DID-Auth Request URI

Creates a DidAuth Request URI with a JWT signed with the RP DID key, using wallet backend endpoint URI given as a parameter signatureUri with an authorization token authZToken.

import { DidAuthRequestCall, EbsiDidAuth } from "@cef-ebsi/did-auth";

const didAuthRequestCall: DidAuthRequestCall = {
  redirectUri: "https://localhost:8080/demo/spanish-university",
  signatureUri: "http://localhost:9000/wallet/v1/signatures",
  authZToken: enterpriseAuthZToken,

const { uri, nonce } = await EbsiDidAuth.createUriRequest(didAuthRequestCall);
// openid://&scope=openid did_authn?response_type=id_token&client_id=https://localhost:8080/demo/spanish-university&request=eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NkstUiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImRpZDplYnNpOjB4MDNBN2UzMjhBZGM5NjZiNUI1ODRiOUFjREI2ZmVBNWY0NEFkNUMwYiNrZXktMSJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1ODg2MDI2NjksImV4cCI6MTU4ODYwMjk2OSwiaXNzIjoiZGlkOmVic2k6MHgwM0E3ZTMyOEFkYzk2NmI1QjU4NGI5QWNEQjZmZUE1ZjQ0QWQ1QzBiIiwic2NvcGUiOiJvcGVuaWQgZGlkX2F1dGhuIiwicmVzcG9uc2VfdHlwZSI6ImlkX3Rva2VuIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODA4MC9kZW1vL3NwYW5pc2gtdW5pdmVyc2l0eSIsIm5vbmNlIjoiNWRjNjNjZmYtYTYzNy00ZDEyLWE1OWYtOTkxZjAwNGJkMmVhIn0.z9_I0gtKs8Q9LwnxQyAgtN3DY65nwYIzEAs3viRIM7ItHZcng5LjI-BoFrhcLyRk7vgCGEp1F3ASO9qp0jIhPgA

Verifying an EBSI DID-Auth Request

Pass in an EBSI DID Auth Request JWT to verify the token:

import { DidAuthRequestPayload, EbsiDidAuth } from "@cef-ebsi/did-auth";

const didResolver = "https://api.intebsi.xyz/did/v1/identifiers";
const payload: DidAuthRequestPayload = await EbsiDidAuth.verifyDidAuthRequest(
  "iat": 1587388006,
  "exp": 1587388306,
  "iss": "did:ebsi:0xc7281C0412DbaA8e6073332FF2F4B6c1FFF9d74f",
  "scope": "openid did_authn",
  "response_type": "id_token",
  "client_id": "https://localhost:8080/demo/spanish-university",
  "nonce": "fa2ce561-9abd-4cbb-87b5-60d24fbabc61"

The didResolver can be also defined as a resolver object:

import { DidAuthRequestPayload, EbsiDidAuth } from "@cef-ebsi/did-auth";
import { Resolver } from "did-resolver";
import { getResolver } from "ebsi-did-resolver";

const resolverConfig = {
  rpcUrl: "https://api.intebsi.xyz/ledger/v1/blockchains/besu",
  registry: "0xe7dEe457E211825F66a07fAC5e4f237f8a845FE1",
const ebsiDidResolver = getResolver(resolverConfig);
const resolver = new Resolver(ebsiDidResolver);
const payload: DidAuthRequestPayload = await EbsiDidAuth.verifyDidAuthRequest(

Creating an EBSI DID-Auth Response

Creates a DID Auth Response JWT signed with the user DID key, passed directly as a hexadecimal format.

import { DidAuthResponseCall, EbsiDidAuth } from "@cef-ebsi/did-auth";

const didAuthResponseCall: DidAuthResponseCall = {
  hexPrivatekey: getHexPrivateKey(testKeyUser.key),
  did: testKeyUser.did,
  nonce: requestPayload.nonce,
const didAuthResponseJwt = await EbsiDidAuth.createDidAuthResponse(

Verifying an EBSI DID-Auth Response

Pass in an EBSI DID Auth Response JWT to verify the token:

Note: Response code is 204. So, no response data is returned.

import { DidAuthResponsePayload, EbsiDidAuth } from "@cef-ebsi/did-auth";

const response = await EbsiDidAuth.verifyDidAuthResponse(didAuthJwt);

  signatureValidation: true,

Library Test

To run e2e you need to set these two environment variables either in a .env or passing as a parameter to yarn test:e2e:

  • WALLET_API_URL as the base url for wallet-api. i.e.: http://localhost:9000

You can use the .env.example from the repo and renamed it to .env.

# unit tests
$ yarn test

# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e

# all tests
$ yarn test:all


Copyright (c) 2019 European Commission
Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or - as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Licence.