
Styles and React elements to give a consistent app experience using a data driven approach where the data is abstracted away from the view

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cehappdevCehView from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cehappdev/ceh-view';


CEH View

Styles and React elements to give a consistent app experience using a data driven approach where the data is abstracted away from the view

Have a look here https://nerc-ceh.github.io/ceh-view


we suggest using create-react-app in order to create an application

we suggest using npm

npm i -S @cehappdev/ceh-view

but if you want to use yarn

yarn add @cehappdev/ceh-view


docker-compose up --build -d

then go to port 3001 to see the docs, this also runs dist and style in seperate containers which create transpile on change


major for breaking changes minor for new elements patch for fixes and updates

npm login to login to npmjs.com

npm version minor if adding a new feature

npm run release to patch and release CEH View and deploy the website

npm run deploy to only deploy the website