
Browser DNA Express is a tool for fingerprinting browsers with express

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ch1BrowserDnaExpress from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ch1/browser-dna-express';


CH1 Browser DNA


This is not well maintained


yarn add @ch1/browser-dna-express

What is This

Fingerprinting middleware for express. This middleware grabs information about a connection and puts it on the req object of each request. Consumers will need to use some other middleware to store this.

(The library still supports the legacy res.locals.fingerprint interface)

The middleware also consumes request body's that have a fingerprint object that comes from @ch1/browser-dna

Morality of Browser Fingerprinting

Fingerprinting can be a hot button topic and for good reason. Privacy on the internet is an illusion. We should expect some modicum of privacy but we should also be aware of the limitations of the tools we use. This library and other - more robust - libraries like Panopticlick show just how much trivial seeming data we give away that actually "marks" us.

Ultimately your fingerprint from a library like this, in combination with an IP address is not really enough to uniquely identify most people but it really shrinks the pool, especially in certain areas.

Why Would We Want This?

While we want and should have privacy there is a strong use case for having our connections be semi-identifiable.

Consider the following:

  • You run a web service of some sort
  • You're getting a lot of connections from one IP
  • The IP represents a huge institution that has a lot of legitimate users but due to NAT they all appear as one user

This is where at least fingerprinting headers and connection detail server side helps.

Another case would be implementing an app that uses semi-anonymous sharing having a JS + server side fingerprint would allow the app to somewhat distinguish anonymous connections for the purpose of say short term chat.


Use at the top level of an express app

import { fingerprint } from '@ch1/browser-dna-express';

// where app is your express app

// then on the next middleware
app.use((req: FingerprintedRequest, res: Response, next: Function) => {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(req.fingerprint, null, 2));

The req.fingerprint object is populated as follows:

export interface Fingerprint {
  connection: ConnectionFingerprint;
  client?: ClientFingerprint;
  server: ServerFingerprint;

The client fingerprint is optional and will only be present if the client has forwarded the information. The client can easily harvest the information with @ch1/browser-dna the consumer would need to create a ClientFingerprint on the client and send it to the server in the body using the property fingerprint:

interface RequestBody {
  [key: string]: any;
  fingerprint: ClientFingerprint;

Okay Now What?

With the fingerprint data the next step would be to use another middleware after this middleware to store the fingerprint information somewhere
