Example usage
# Creates a functional component at cwd/[name].jsx
crc --name MyNewComponent
# Creates a functional component at cwd/[name].tsx
crc --name MyNewComponent --typescript
# Creates a class component at cwd/[name].jsx
crc --name MyNewComponent --class
# Creates a class component at cwd/components/[name].jsx
crc --name MyNewComponent --destination ./components
- Generate a functional component - javascript
- Generate a functional component - typescript
- Generate a class component - javascript
- Generate a class component - typescript
- User-defined crcrc.json file
- User-defined output location
- User-defined templates
- Leverage yargs help functionality
Jun 4 2020
- feat(cli): Implemented templating and optionally disabling the directory creation
- chore(logging): Implemented better error logging
Jun 3 2020
- chore(README): Added new goal to roadmap
- chore(cli): Deprecrating --type flag in favor of new --class flag (defaulting to functional components)
- feat(cli): Now accepting destination flag
- chore(README): Updated readme with better examples
Jun 2 2020
- feat(cli): Users may now provide input via crc.json file
- chore(cli): Requiring --name parameter
- chore(README): Added changelog to readme