
Get the GitHub username and PR number from a commit. Intended for use with changesets.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import changesetsGetGithubInfo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@changesets/get-github-info';



View changelog

Get the GitHub username and PR number from a commit. Intended for use with changesets.

Getting Started

Note: This assumes you already have changesets setup.

To use @changesets/get-github-info, you'll need to install it and you'll probably also want dotenv to provide a GitHub personal access token via a .env file.

yarn add --dev @changesets/get-github-info dotenv


npm install --save-dev @changesets/get-github-info dotenv

Then you can use it in your .changeset/config.js like this.

const { getInfo } = require("@changesets/get-github-info");

// ...

const getReleaseLine = async (changeset, type) => {
  const [firstLine, ...futureLines] = changeset.summary
    .map(l => l.trimRight());
  // getInfo exposes the GH username and PR number if you want them directly
  // but it also exposes a set of links for the commit, PR and GH username
  let { user, pull, links } = await getInfo({
    // replace this will your own repo
    repo: "Noviny/changesets",
    commit: changeset.commit
  let returnVal = `- ${links.commit}${
    links.pull === null ? "" : ` ${links.pull}`
  }${links.user === null ? "" : ` Thanks ${links.user}!`}: ${firstLine}`;
  if (futureLines.length > 0) {
    returnVal += `\n${futureLines.map(l => `  ${l}`).join("\n")}`;
  return returnVal;

// ...

You'll need to get a GitHub personal access token with read:user and repo:status permissions, and add it to a .env file.


You can now bump your packages and changelogs with changeset bump and it'll have the GitHub info. 🎉


type Info = {
  user: string | null;
  pull: number | null;
  links: {
    commit: string;
    pull: string | null;
    user: string | null;

type Options = {
  commit: string;
  repo: string;

export function getInfo(options: Options): Info {
  // magic...