
Vue currency filter

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chatfoodioVueCurrency from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chatfoodio/vue-currency';


Vue currency

Developed and maintained by and for ChatFood 😉

Build Status


# install package
npm install @chatfoodio/vue-currency --save

Currency settings available (ISO_CODE): BRL, AED, USD, TRY

import Vue from "vue";
import ChatfoodCurrency from "@chatfood/vue-currency";

// Default Currency Settings
const settings = {
  symbol: "quot;,
  thousand: ",",
  precision: 2,
  decimal: ".",
  symbolFirst: true,
  symbolSeparator: " "

Vue.use(ChatfoodCurrency, settings); 
// or Vue.use(ChatfoodCurrency); 

// Set settings on the fly anywhere inside your components

// Set settings on the fly anywhere on your project

// Get current settings
  <!-- $ 12.43 -->
  <p>{{ 12.43 | currency }}</p>
  <!-- AED 12.43 -->
  <p>{{ 12.43 | currency({ symbol: "AED" }) }}</p>
  <!-- 12.43 -->
  <p>{{ 12.43 | currency({ symbol: "" }) }}</p>
  <!-- $ 12.4 -->
  <p>{{ 12.43 | currency({ precision: 1 }) }}</p>
  <!-- $ 12 -->
  <p>{{ 12.43 | currency({ precision: 0 }) }}</p>

  <!-- $ 3.412,43 -->
  <p>{{ 3412.43 | currency({ thousand: ".", decimal: "" }) }}</p>


# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build your for production
npm run build

# run unit tests
npm run test

# publish library on NPM (Check your version first before publish.)
npm publish