
[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@chealt/jest-puppeteer-env.svg)](http://npm.im/@chealt/jest-puppeteer-env) [![License](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/@chealt/jest-puppeteer-env.svg)](/LICENSE) # @chealt/jest-puppeteer-env

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chealtJestPuppeteerEnv from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chealt/jest-puppeteer-env';


npm License


A custom environment for Jest with many performance, accessibility testing features and the ability to record and mock requests.



npm install @chealt/jest-puppeteer-env puppeteer


yarn add @chealt/jest-puppeteer-env puppeteer


Update your Jest config with

  "preset": "@chealt/jest-puppeteer-env/preset"

Or you can add the preset manually to your config to override options.

  "testRunner": "jest-circus/runner",
  "globalSetup": "@chealt/jest-puppeteer-env/setup",
  "globalTeardown": "@chealt/jest-puppeteer-env/teardown",
  "testEnvironment": "@chealt/jest-puppeteer-env"

See a more detailed example in the Jest Puppeteer Env example package.

Additional configuration

Using the Jest config testEnvironmentOptions you have the following options:


Type: Boolean Default: false

Indicates whether the requests should be recorded while executing the test. When it is set, the mockResponseDir will be used to store the recorded requests, therefore that option must be set as well.


Relative path to the rootDir in your config to store and load the recorded responses. The mocks will be saved using the specs' relative path with the postfix .mocks.json.


  "testEnvironmentOptions": {
    "mockResponseDir": "mocks"

It is also possible to create global mocks that will be used for all tests. The environment will check if a global.mocks.json exists in the mockResponseDir and prefer that over the test mocks. The content of the file is similar to the test mock files but it does NOT include the name of the spec.


Type: Boolean Default: false

If true when using the mocks the host in the URL (including the protocol) won't be used to match the recorded response.


Type: Boolean Default: false

If true when using the mocks the port in the URL won't be used to match the recorded response.


Type: array<String> Default: undefined

A list of Strings to be created regular expressions of to not be included in the recorded requests. These will be passed to new RegExp with the u flag and any URL matching any one of them will be included.


Type: array<String> Default: undefined

A list of Strings to be created regular expressions of to respond with 200 OK and empty body with. These will be passed to new RegExp with the u flag and any URL matching any one of them will be included.


Type: Boolean Default: false

If true the recorded responses will be used, otherwise the environment records the requests and responses.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Indicates whether screenshots should be taken while executing the test.


Type: String Default: undefined

Relative path to the rootDir in your config to store the screenshots taken during the test run.


  "testEnvironmentOptions": {
    "screenshotDirectory": "screenshots"



Type: Boolean Default: false

Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test.

coverage example


Type: array<String> Default: undefined

A list of Strings to be created regular expressions of to match the URLs to be collected coverage information from. These will be passed to new RegExp with the u flag and any URL matching any one of them will be included.

To take effect the collectCoverage option must be true.


Type: String Default: undefined

Relative path to the rootDir in your config to store the code coverage.


  "testEnvironmentOptions": {
    "performance": {
      "coverageDirectory": "coverage"

Type: Boolean Default: false

Indicate if you would like to see the coverage summary in the console after the tests finished executing.


Type: Boolean Default: false

When Puppeteer collects coverage information it records each asset's text as well as the ranges. This can make the coverage file quite large, therefore, by default, the library excludes this information from the output.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Indicates whether the performance metrics should be collected while executing the test.


Type: String Default: undefined

Relative path to the rootDir in your config to store the performance metrics.


  "testEnvironmentOptions": {
    "performance": {
      "reportDirectory": "performance"

Type: [{ path<String>, maxSize<String> }] Default: undefined

path: A String to be created regular expressions of to test the requested URL against. These will be passed to new RegExp with the u. maxSize: A String that represents the maximum size of the response. Anything can be used that the (bytes packages)[https://www.npmjs.com/package/bytes] can parse.


  "testEnvironmentOptions": {
    "performance": {
      "reportDirectory": "performance",
      "bundleSizes": [
          "path": "xjs/_/js",
          "maxSize": "600 B"
          "path": "og/_/ss",
          "maxSize": "10 B"

When specified the performance.reportDirectory option must be specified as well and it will be used to store the violations.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Indicates whether the bundle size violations should fail the test.


Type: String Default: undefined

Network conditions to simulate. Options are: Fast3G, Slow3G.



Type: String Default: undefined

Fail tests that have a11y violations. Possible values are moderate, serious, critical in order of seriousness. Any a11y violation more serious than the level specified will throw an error.


  "testEnvironmentOptions": {
    "accessibility": {
      "shouldCheck": true,
      "failLevel": "critical"

When provided the shouldCheck accessibility config must be true as well.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Indicates whether accessibility should be checked before the test exits.


Type: String Default: undefined

Relative path to the rootDir in your config to store the accessibility findings when the test run.


  "testEnvironmentOptions": {
    "accessibility": {
      "shouldCheck": true,
      "reportDirectory": "accessibility"

When provided the shouldCheck accessibility config must be true as well.

Screenshot on failure

The environment will take a screenshot of the full page if a test fails and store it using the following format: <<TEST_NAME>>--failure.png.