
n-sliding-popup [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/Financial-Times/n-sliding-popup/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/Financial-Times/n-sliding-popup/tree/master) =================

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cheeNSlidingPopup from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chee/n-sliding-popup';


n-sliding-popup Circle CI

Next-UI Sliding Popup.


Create a div that looks like this:

<div class="n-sliding-popup" data-n-component="n-sliding-popup" data-n-sliding-popup-position="bottom right">

You can also create an instance of this with the following:

new SlidingPopup('#some-el-which-is-a-sliding-popup');

Opening the Popup

If you have a SlidingPopup instance, simply call .open():

sp = new SlidingPopup('#some-el-which-is-a-sliding-popup');

If you do not, then you'll need to set the data-n-sliding-popup-visible attribute manually:

el = document.querySelector('#some-el-which-is-a-sliding-popup');
el.setAttribute('data-n-sliding-popup-visible', 'true');

Closing the Popup

You can add a close button by making a sub-element with data-n-component="n-sliding-popup-close":

<div class="n-sliding-popup" data-n-component="n-sliding-popup" data-n-sliding-popup-position="bottom right">
  <button class="n-sliding-popup-close" data-n-component="n-sliding-popup-close">
    <span class="n-sliding-popup-close-label">Close</span>

This will Just Work™ and close the popup on click. Again, the button must have data-n-component="n-sliding-popup-close" for functionality. Be sure to add the n-sliding-popup-close class for the CSS styles. n-sliding-popup-close-label can be used to style text that is visible only to screen readers.

If you want your own button, then it should use SlidingPopup#close, for example:

sp = new SlidingPopup('#some-el-which-is-a-sliding-popup');

You can also simply remove the data-n-sliding-popup-visible attribute - but this will not fire the additional event handlers described below...

Doing things on Close

There are 3 ways to add handlers for closing. You can simply add the old-school onClose attribute to the element:

el = document.querySelector('#some-el-which-is-a-sliding-popup');
el.onClose = (event) => {
  event.detail.target === el;
  event.detail.instance instanceof SlidingPopup;

onClose can also be set on the SlidingPopup el:

sp = new SlidingPopup('#some-el-which-is-a-sliding-popup');
sp.onClose = (event) => {
  event.detail.instance === sp;
  event.detail.target === sp.el;

Of course the "proper" way to do this is with event listeners, like you would normal DOM elements. Just listen for the "close" event on the main component:

el = document.querySelector('#some-el-which-is-a-sliding-popup');
el.addEventListener('close', (event) => {
  event.detail.target === el;
  event.detail.instance instanceof SlidingPopup;


This software is published by the Financial Times under the MIT licence.