
Provides a utility function to perform logical OR operation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cheesebitOr from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cheesebit/or';



Provides a utility function to perform logical OR operations.

It follows Javascript's default truthy and _falsy_ definitions.


You can add this hook as a dependency by running npm install @cheesebit/or or yarn add @cheesebit/or.


- ...args

Sequence of values or expressions to be evaluated as boolean.

Usage guide

  import or from '@cheesebit/or';

  or()   // false
  or(1)  // true
  or('') // false
  or(false) // false
  or(true) // false
  or(1, false, '') // true
  or(null) // false
  or([]) // true