🤖 Getonbrd Scraper
Getonbrd jobs scraping library.
yarn add @chile-sh/getonbrd-scraper
# or npm i @chile-sh/getonbrd-scraper
import GetOnBrd from '@chile-sh/getonbrd-scraper'
// Initialize GetOnBrd
const getonbrd = await GetOnBrd('SGExS1Nkb2dX...')
// If you are not going to use `getJobsBySalary` you can
// omit the session token.
// const getonbrd = await GetOnBrd()
// Get jobs by salary range
const jobs = await getonbrd.getJobsBySalary(1000, 2000)
Job URLs and pagination
urls: string[],
next: boolean
// Or navigate using an offset
const moreJobs = await getonbrd.getJobsBySalary(1000, 2000, 25)
// Get a job description
const job = await getonbrd.getJob(moreJobs.urls[0])
date: string
parsedDate: Date
salary: number[]
company: {
logo: string
name: string
url: string
category: {
name: string
slug: string
tags: string[]
description: string
title: string
level: string
type: string
trending: boolean
country: string
city: string
// Get a company profile
const company = await getonbrd.getCompanyProfile(
title: string
logo?: string | null
subtitle: string
followers: number
about?: string | null
links: {
href: string
text: string
// Get categories (without a session)
const categories = await getCategories()
Array of categories URLs
// Get jobs URLs from a category URL
const jobs = await getJobsFromCategory(categories[0])
Array of jobs URLs
echo SESSION=SGEkbko2d... > .env # or export SESSION...
yarn test