
AngularJS module for Microsoft Application Insights Javascript v2 SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chinchillaSoftwareAngularjsApplicationInsightsWeb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chinchilla-software/angularjs-application-insights-web';


Angular JS Azure Application Insights implementation for JS SDK V2

Connect your AngularJS client-side to Microsofts Application Insights with this easy-to-use Module.

Application Insights is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for web developers on multiple platforms. Use it to monitor your live web application. It will automatically detect performance anomalies. It includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.

npm NPM Downloads MIT License


NPM Setup

Install & save the library to your package.json:

$ npm install --save angularjs-application-insights-v2

Including javascript file in the script tag

  • Copy the angularjs-appinsights-v2.min.js from dist folder to your project scripts folder
  • Include this script file into your application shell html file
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/angularjs-appinsights-v2.min.js"></script>

Initialization Setup

  • Include ApplicationInsightsModule in your application module dependency
var app = angular.module('<appname>', [....,'ApplicationInsightsModule']);
  • Add the following snippet into your app.js
    'applicationInsightsServiceProvider', function (applicationInsightsServiceProvider) {
            instrumentationKey: 'INSTRUMENTATION_KEY',
            applicationName: '<app name>'

API Specficiations

Once you add the angularjs-appinsights-v2.min.js into your application, it will load necessary sdk files and initialize the Application Insights instance. The initialized instance located by default at window.appInsights. ApplicationInsightsService is an angular service which provides the wrapper the Application Insights instance and it has following API functions.

applicationInsightsService.trackEvent(event: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.IEventTelemetry, customProperties:object);
applicationInsightsService.startTrackEvent(name: string);
applicationInsightsService.stopTrackEvent(name: string, properties?: object, measurements?:object);
applicationInsightsService.trackPageView(pageView: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.IPageViewTelemetry, customProperties?:object);
applicationInsightsService.startTrackPage(name?: string);
applicationInsightsService.stopTrackPage(name?: string, url?: string, customProperties?: object);
applicationInsightsService.trackMetric(metric: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.IMetricTelemetry, customProperties?:object);
applicationInsightsService.trackException(exception: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.IExceptionTelemetry, customProperties?:object);
applicationInsightsService.trackTrace(trace: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ITraceTelemetry, customProperties?: object);
applicationInsightsService.setAuthenticatedUserContext(authenticatedUserId: string, accountId?: string, storeInCookie?: boolean);
applicationInsightsService._onerror(exception: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.IAutoExceptionTelemetry);
applicationInsightsService.trackPageViewPerformance(pageViewPerformance: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.IPageViewPerformanceTelemetry, customProperties?: object});
applicationInsightsService.addTelemetryInitializer(telemetryInitializer: (item: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ITelemetryItem) => boolean | void);


applicationInsightsService.trackEvent({name: 'some event'});
applicationInsightsService.trackPageView({name: 'some page'});
applicationInsightsService.trackPageViewPerformance({name : 'some page', url: 'some url'});
applicationInsightsService.trackException({exception: new Error('some error')});
applicationInsightsService.trackTrace({message: 'some trace'});
applicationInsightsService.trackMetric({name: 'some metric', average: 42});
applicationInsightsService.trackDependencyData({absoluteUrl: 'some url', responseCode: 200, method: 'GET', id: 'some id'});
applicationInsightsService.stopTrackPage("pageName", {customProp1: "some value"});
applicationInsightsService.stopTrackEvent("event", {customProp1: "some value"});

How to send custom events to Application Insights?

  • Inject the ApplicationInsightsService service into a controller
app.controller('testController', function ($scope, .... , $log, applicationInsightsService) {
  • Use the following snippet to send the custom events to your application insights instance
            name: "PageLoaded",
                "appId": "ddd-fff-ddd-ff-ddfdd-45454",
                "timeStamp": new Date().toDateString(),
                "page": "Explorer Page",
                "action": "page loaded"
            measurements: {
                duration: 567

How to send application traces to Application Insights?

You can send the application traces to application insights to add additional infomration to your telemetry data.

  • Enable the autoLogTracking:true in application insights config inside app.js
    'applicationInsightsServiceProvider', function (applicationInsightsServiceProvider) {
            instrumentationKey: 'INSTRUMENTATION_KEY',
            applicationName: '<app name>',
  • Inject the ApplicationInsightsService service into a controller/service
app.controller('testController', function ($scope, .... , $log, applicationInsightsService) {
  • Add the following snippet where you want to add the trace inside your controller or service
$log.info("About page loaded", {name:'about page'});

How to add the telemetry initializer to application insights

Use can use the telemetry intializer to customize the global data which sending to applicaiton insights apart from the custom data. You can use this to set custom role name, operation name, user id, session id, etc. Use the following snippets to add your telemery insitializer

 app.run(["$rootScope", "$location", "applicationInsightsService",
        function ($rootScope, $location, applicationInsightsService) {
             var customTelemetryInitializer = function (envelope) {
                envelope.tags["ai.cloud.role"] = "your role name";
                envelope.tags["ai.cloud.roleInstance"] = "your role instance";
                envelope.tags["ai.operation.name"] = "customized operation name"

How to build from the Source?

To build from source follow the following instructions,

  • Download the source to your local computer
  • Install all required packages
$ npm install
  • Build the source with gulp
$ gulp build


This project inspired by the following projects,

Test porject used from this tjoudeh/FoursquareAngularJS repository.


MIT License

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Twitter: @tamvasan