
A command-line app for sending and receiving e2e encrypted messages over the BCH blockchain.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chrisTroutnerEncryptMsg from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chris.troutner/encrypt-msg';



This is a command-line application for sending and receiving end-to-end (e2e) encrypted messages over the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain. IPFS is used for passing encrypted content, but the BCH blockchain is used for signaling messages.

Table of Contents

Install Dev Environment

While this npm library can be used globally, the intended audience is developers familiar with the usage of npm and git. Here is how to set up your own developer environment:

  • Clone this repo with git clone.
  • Install npm dependencies with npm install
  • Execute the commands like this: ./bin/run help

Running the wallet this way, you can edit the behavior of the wallet by making changes to the code in the src/commands directory.

How to Use

There are a few main commands for sending and receiving message.

  • create-wallet - to create a wallet.
  • set-key - to generate a private/public key pair for encrypting messages.
  • packag-file - zip up files and messages into a single file.
  • encrypt-send - encrypt the zip file, upload it to IPFS, and signal the BCH address that they have a message.
  • check-messages - see if there are any messages for your address.
  • decrypt-messages - download file from IPFS and decrypt it.


Command Line Usage

$ npm install -g @chris.troutner/encrypt-msg
$ encrypt-msg COMMAND
running command...
$ encrypt-msg (-v|--version|version)
@chris.troutner/encrypt-msg/1.0.3 linux-x64 node-v10.22.1
$ encrypt-msg --help [COMMAND]
  $ encrypt-msg COMMAND


encrypt-msg burn-tokens

Burn SLP tokens.

  $ encrypt-msg burn-tokens

  -n, --name=name        Name of wallet
  -q, --qty=qty
  -t, --tokenId=tokenId  Token ID

See code: src/commands/burn-tokens.js

encrypt-msg check-messages

Check for messages on the blockchain

  $ encrypt-msg check-messages

  -c, --check=check  Number of messages to check (default is 2)
  -n, --name=name    Name of wallet

  This command walks the BCH blockchain for the address set with the set-key command.
  If it finds transactions that match the protocol, it will display the subject.

  This command does the following:

  1. Get encryption data from the wallet.
  2. Get transaction history for the messaging address.
  3. Walk through the transactions, looking for an OP_RETURN in the TX.
  4. If OP_RETURN matches the MSG format, display the subject

  It only does this for the first message found, then exists.

  This is just a prototype.

See code: src/commands/check-messages.js

encrypt-msg create-wallet

Generate a new HD Wallet.

  $ encrypt-msg create-wallet

  -n, --name=name  Name of wallet
  -t, --testnet    Create a testnet wallet

See code: src/commands/create-wallet.js

encrypt-msg decrypt-messages

Retrieve and display the encrypted message sent to this wallet.

  $ encrypt-msg decrypt-messages

  -n, --name=name  Name of wallet

  Prototype command for retrieving, decrypting, and displaying a message using
  the Bitcoin Cash blockchain and IPFS. This command does the following:

  1. Get encryption data from the wallet.
  2. Get transaction history for the messaging address.
  3. Walk through the transactions, looking for an OP_RETURN in the TX.
  4. If OP_RETURN matches the MSG format, download the message from IPFS.
  5. Download, decrypt, and display the message.

  It only does this for the first message found, then exists.

  This is just a prototype.

See code: src/commands/decrypt-messages.js

encrypt-msg derivation

Display or set the derivation path used by the wallet.

  $ encrypt-msg derivation

  -n, --name=name  name to print
  -s, --save=save  save a new derivation path

  This command is used to display the derivation path used by the wallet. The -s
  flag can be used to save a new derivation path.

  Common derivation paths used:
  145 - BIP44 standard path for Bitcoin Cash
  245 - BIP44 standard path for SLP tokens
  0 - Used by common software like the Bitcoin.com wallet and Honest.cash

  Wallets use the 245 derivation path by default.

See code: src/commands/derivation.js

encrypt-msg encrypt-send

Encrypt a message for another BCH address.

  $ encrypt-msg encrypt-send

  -a, --address=address  BCH address to find public key for

  -f, --file=file        The file you want to encrypt and send. The file should be placed in the 'packaged-files'

  -n, --name=name        Name of wallet to pay for BCH fees

  -s, --subject=subject  The 'subject' of the message. Can't be too long, and will not be encrypted. Wrap in double

  Given a BCH address, this command will do the following:
  1. It will search the blockchain for the public key associated with the address.
  2. It will encrypt the message with the public key.
  3. It will upload the encrypted message to IPFS.
  4. It will signal the address with an on-chain message.
  5. It will pay for the IPFS and BCH messages with the address set using set-key.

See code: src/commands/encrypt-send.js

encrypt-msg get-address

Generate a new address to recieve BCH.

  $ encrypt-msg get-address

  -n, --name=name  Name of wallet
  -t, --token      Generate a simpledger: token address

See code: src/commands/get-address.js

encrypt-msg get-key

Get the encryption key info for the keypair set with set-key

  $ encrypt-msg get-key

  -n, --name=name  Name of wallet

See code: src/commands/get-key.js

encrypt-msg get-private-key

Generate a new private/public key pair.

  $ encrypt-msg get-private-key

  -n, --name=name  Name of wallet

See code: src/commands/get-private-key.js

encrypt-msg get-pubkey

Search the blockchain for a public key associated with an address.

  $ encrypt-msg get-pubkey

  -a, --address=address  BCH address to find public key for

  Bitcoin Cash addresses are derived from a public key. If an address has made a
  transaction, then the public key can be retrieved from the blockchain. This
  public key is required in order to encrypt messages and files for that address.

See code: src/commands/get-pubkey.js

encrypt-msg hello

Example command from oclif

  $ encrypt-msg hello

  -n, --name=name  name to print

  Leaving it here for future reference in development.

See code: src/commands/hello.js

encrypt-msg help [COMMAND]

display help for encrypt-msg

  $ encrypt-msg help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

encrypt-msg list-wallets

List existing wallets.

  $ encrypt-msg list-wallets

See code: src/commands/list-wallets.js

encrypt-msg package-file

Zips file or directory.

  $ encrypt-msg package-file

  -f, --file=file        Path of the file or directory
  -m, --message=message  The message you want to encrypt and send. Wrap in double quotes.

  1-Copies the file or the specified directory
  2-Exports the message in a JSON file
  3-Creates a ZIP file with both contents

See code: src/commands/package-file.js

encrypt-msg remove-wallet

Remove an existing wallet.

  $ encrypt-msg remove-wallet

  -n, --name=name  Name of wallet

See code: src/commands/remove-wallet.js

encrypt-msg send

Send an amount of BCH

  $ encrypt-msg send

  -a, --sendAddr=sendAddr  Cash address to send to
  -b, --bch=bch            Quantity in BCH
  -n, --name=name          Name of wallet

See code: src/commands/send.js

encrypt-msg send-all

Send all BCH in a wallet to another address. Degrades Privacy

  $ encrypt-msg send-all

  -a, --sendAddr=sendAddr  Cash address to send to
  -i, --ignoreTokens       Ignore and burn tokens
  -n, --name=name          Name of wallet

  Send all BCH in a wallet to another address.

  This method has a negative impact on privacy by linking all addresses in a
  wallet. If privacy of a concern, CoinJoin should be used.
  This is a good article describing the privacy concerns:

See code: src/commands/send-all.js

encrypt-msg send-tokens

Send SLP tokens.

  $ encrypt-msg send-tokens

  -a, --sendAddr=sendAddr  Cash or SimpleLedger address to send to
  -n, --name=name          Name of wallet
  -q, --qty=qty
  -t, --tokenId=tokenId    Token ID

See code: src/commands/send-tokens.js

encrypt-msg set-key

Generate a new private/public key pair, to use for encryption.

  $ encrypt-msg set-key

  -n, --name=name  Name of wallet

See code: src/commands/set-key.js

encrypt-msg sign-message

Sign message

  $ encrypt-msg sign-message

  -i, --sendAddrIndex=sendAddrIndex    Adress index
  -n, --name=name                      Name of wallet
  -s, --signTheMessage=signTheMessage  Sign message

See code: src/commands/sign-message.js

encrypt-msg sweep

Sweep a private key

  $ encrypt-msg sweep

  -a, --address=address  Address to sweep funds to.
  -b, --balanceOnly      Balance only, no claim.
  -t, --testnet          Testnet
  -w, --wif=wif          WIF private key

  Sweeps a private key in WIF format.
  Supports SLP token sweeping, but only one token class at a time. It will throw
  an error if a WIF contains more than one class of token.

See code: src/commands/sweep.js

encrypt-msg update-balances

Poll the network and update the balances of the wallet.

  $ encrypt-msg update-balances

  -i, --ignoreTokens  Ignore and burn tokens
  -n, --name=name     Name of wallet

See code: src/commands/update-balances.js