
Dr.Robotnik wants you to place him on the tabletop. Will you be successful?

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import christoshrousisDrRobotnikTabletopMadness from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@christoshrousis/dr-robotnik-tabletop-madness';


Dr.Robotnik's Tabletop Madness

Dr.Robotnik wants you to place him on the tabletop. Will you be successful?

Dr.Robotnik is a CLI written in Javascript and React, using the library PastelJS for bundling and Ink for building CLI output using React!

Dr.Robotnik is an implementation of the toy robot coding challenge.

System Dependencies

You will require Node >= 8 & npm installed on your machine for this to work.

Install & Run The CLI

To install the CLI from NPM:

$ npm install @christoshrousis/dr-robotnik-tabletop-madness

And then run it:

$ dr-robotnik

Upon running Dr.Robotnik, he will keep accepting commands, followed by carriage return, until you issue a REPORT command, which will then make Dr.Robotnik attempt to traverse the tabletop.

For Example:

$ dr-robotnik
Dr.Robotnik's Tabletop Madness
Executing Code...
Dr.Robotnik is at: 0,1 and is facing NORTH.

Dr.Robotnik accepts all the classic Toy Robot favourites, such as:

  • LEFT
  • MOVE

Testing Dr.Robotnik

You will need to install development packages by running

$ npm install

And then to run the test suite, run

$ npm run test

To develop Dr.Robotnik

If for some reason the installation isn't working, you can always run Dr.Robotnik in dev mode as a fallback by running

$ npm run dev


  • Instructions are only meant to be in capitals
  • REPORT will only ever be called once, at the end of the string of instructions as per the examples provided. Subsequent runs will require a re-run of dr.robotnik