
Chunk Prettier Configuration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chunkgroupPrettierConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chunkgroup/prettier-config';



Shared Prettier config used in Chunk projects.


Usage is based on Sharing configurations from the Prettier docs.

  1. Remove existing .prettierrc file, if present.

  2. Install the config.

    npm install -D @chunkgroup/prettier-config
  3. Add the following to package.json:

    "prettier": "@chunkgroup/prettier-config",
  4. Add the following to scripts in package.json: (You can now "prettify" the whole src folder by running npm run pretty)

     "pretty": "cd src; find . -name \"*\" | grep -v \"^./vendor\" | xargs prettier --write; cd ..;"