
location mapping for chuxingpay.com

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chuxingpayLocation from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chuxingpay/location';


付迅行政区域 SDK

http://preview.www.mca.gov.cn/article/sj/xzqh/2020/2020/202101041104.html 除港澳台(直辖市城区)外,所有省市县ID与此文档保持一致


npm i @chuxingpay/location

// import multiple methods, json could be big, proceed with caution
const { getById, getCityById } = require("@chuxingpay/location")

// import single methods, will only load minimal necessary json, recommanded 👍
const { getById } = require("@chuxingpay/location/es/getById")


Methods @params @return Description Recommand
getProvinceList name='' Array 返回省列表 👍
getCityList name='' Array 返回市列表 👍
getHotCities Array 返回热门城市列表(已排序) 👍
getByCityId id='' Array 根据 citytId 查询 👍
getByProvinceId id='' Array 根据 provinceId 查询 👍
getById id='' Object 根据 id 查询省市区 👍
getCitiesByFirstLetter letter='' Array 根据首字母查询城市列表 👍
getTree depth=3 Array 根据 depth 查询(默认 3) (key 与其他方法有差异)
getByName name='' Array 根据省/市/区/pinyin 查询
getCityById id='' Object 根据 id 查询城市
getByDistrictId id = '' Array 根据 districtId 查询
getDistrictList name='' Array 返回区列表
getDistrictsByCityId name='' Array 根据城市 ID 返回区列表
getList conds={} Array 组合条件查询 👎

✅ second param regionCode of each methods are default set to '100000' for future development

property changelog

    { // province obj
        "pid": "100000",
        "pname": "中国",
        "id": "810000",
        "name": "香港特别行政区",
        "brief": "香港",
        "lat": 22.320048,
        "lng": 114.173355,
        "level": 1,
        "pinyin": "Xianggang",
        "provinceId": "810000", 👎
        "provinceName": "香港特别行政区", 👎
        "latitude": 22.320048, 👎
        "longtitude": 114.173355, 👎
        "levelType": 1 👎
    { // city obj
        "pid": "710000",
        "pname": "台湾省",
        "pnameEn": "Taiwan",
        "id": "719013",
        "name": "花莲县",
        "brief": "花莲",
        "lat": 23.973909,
        "lng": 121.608198,
        "level": 2,
        "pinyin": "Hualian",
        "provinceName": "台湾省", 👎
        "provinceId": "710000", 👎
        "cityName": "花莲县", 👎
        "cityId": "719013", 👎
        "latitude": 23.973909, 👎
        "longtitude": 121.608198, 👎
        "levelType": 2, 👎
        "shortName": "花莲", 👎
        "shortNameEn": "Hualian", 👎
    { // district obj
        "pid": "120000",
        "pname": "天津市",
        "cid": "120100",
        "cname": "天津城区",
        "id": "120101",
        "name": "和平区",
        "lat": 39.118327,
        "lng": 117.195907,
        "level": 3,
        "pinyin": "Hepingqu",
        "provinceName": "天津市", 👎
        "provinceId": "120000", 👎
        "cityName": "天津城区", 👎
        "cityId": "120100", 👎
        "districtName": "和平区",
        "districtId": "120101",
        "latitude": 39.118327, 👎
        "longtitude": 117.195907, 👎
        "levelType": 3, 👎

✅ key with 👎 are deprecated and will be removed in next major release