React Native Header
Customisable Header with consistent behaviour on iOS and Android.
Add the dependency
Pure React Native:
npm i @cipl/react-native-header-view
Peer Dependencies
Important! You need to install them
- "react": ">= 16.x"
- "react-native": ">= 0.61.x"
text="Header Title"
leftIconOnPress={() => NavigationService.back()}
leftDisable = {false}
rightDisable = {false}
imageWidth = 20
imageHeight = 20
Header Props
Property | Type | Default | Description |
height | string OR number | 70 | change the height of the header |
width | string OR number | "100%" | change the width of the header |
backgroundColor | string | #fff | change the background color of the header |
styles | styles | styles | use this to change main style of the header |
text | string | Header Title | set the header's title |
textStyle | style | style | set your own style for the header's text |
left | number | 16 | use this to set left icon's align |
right | number | 16 | use this to set right icon's align |
leftDisable | boolean | false | disable the left icon component |
rightDisable | boolean | false | disable |
leftIconOnPress | function | function | set the function for left icon's onPress |
rightIconOnPress | function | function | set the function for right icon's onPress |
inputStyle | styles | styles | use this to change the text style |
leftImageUrl | string | bell-icon.png | pass left icon url for header |
rightImageUrl | string | menu-icon.png | pass right icon url for header |
imageWidth | number | 20 | use this to set the icon width of header |
imageHeight | number | 20 | use this to set the icon height of header |