
Circe Components for Angular :: Core Services and Tools

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import circeCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@circe/core';


Circe Components for Angular :: Core Services and Tools

Some help services, generic types, classes, pipes, etc.


Angular >= v.8.2.14


Run npm install @circe/core or

run yarn add @circe/core.

Services Use

You need to declare BoxModelService, EventsService and/or ToolService providers into your module providers section.

Then you can use methods through dependency injection. Some methods are available as static.

Available Services


Set of methods to make box model task easy:

public readCssUnits(expression: string): ProcessedUnitObject

This method transforms unit string ex. '20px' into an object

{ value: 20, unit: 'px' }.

Units allowed are: 'px' and '%'.


public processSizeString(sizeString: string): SizeObject

This method transforms size string ex. '20px 50px' into an object

{ width: 50, height: 20 }.

Size strings allowed are: 'XXpx', 'XX%', 'XXpx YYpx', 'XX% YY%'.


public getElement(element: string | SelectDomElementObject): Element

Receives string or SelectDomElementObject:

ex. { name: 'some_class', type: 'class' }.

And returns DOM Element for your selection. If method receives string, it will assume that type is class by default.

Types allowed: 'class', 'tag', 'id'.


public getBoxModel(elementId: ElementId, boxModelType?: BoxModelType): BoxModelSwapObject

Receives ElementId complex data and returns analysis object about box model of this ElementId.

ElementId can be: string or array of strings (In this case we assume the type is class). ElementId can be: SelectDomElementObject or array of SelectDomElementObject. SelectDomElementObject works like previous method explains. Optional parameter boxModelType can be: 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. Default value is 'vertical'.

The returned object, BoxModelSwapObject, has the next form:

  type: BoxModelType,         // ('horizontal' or 'vertical').
  boxModel: number,           // Width or Height (depends on type) of element id, or the addition of all element id's widths or heights if elementId received is array.
  boxModelAdditions: number,  // Width or Height (depends on type) of element id additions.
                              // Additions are paddings, margins and borders.
  boxModelAggregated: number, // The sum of boxModel and boxModelAdditions.
  boxModelExtracted: number   // The substraction of boxModelAdditions from boxModel.



Set of methods about DOM events handlers:

public preventNeededEvent(event: Event, immediatePropagation?: boolean): void

This method receives any kind of DOM Event and boolean parameter which indicates if method applies event.stopPropagation() or event.stopImmediatePropagation().


public preventNoNeededEvent(event: Event, immediatePropagation?: boolean): void

This method works in the same way than the previous one and also executes event.preventDefault() method.


public scrollTop(element?: SelectDomElementObject): void

Moves vertical scroll of the element given to top. Element has the form of SelectDomElementObject:

{ name: string, type: SelectDomElementObjectType }

Property name is some element name identifier.

Property type only can be: tag, class or id.

If element is not given, de default will be:

{ name: 'main', type: 'tag' }



Several help parameters and methods:

public static readonly PATTERNS = {
  FLOAT: {
    GREATER_THAN_0_LOWER_THAN_1: '^(0|0+(\.[0-9]{1,2})|1*)

    GREATER_THAN_0COMMA1_LOWER_THAN_1: '^(0+(\.[1-9]{1,2})|1*)

  NUMBER: '^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)


Static parameter width some predefined regular expressions to use as patterns.


public months: Array<string> = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];

Array parameter defining three letters months to use in several dates use.

public static readonly PATTERNS = {
  FLOAT: {
    GREATER_THAN_0_LOWER_THAN_1: '^(0|0+(\.[0-9]{1,2})|1*)

    GREATER_THAN_0COMMA1_LOWER_THAN_1: '^(0+(\.[1-9]{1,2})|1*)

  NUMBER: '^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)


Static parameter width some predefined regular expressions to use as patterns.


public static getValueFromMultiLevelObject(object: any, key: string, separator?: string): any

This method uses a reducer to check inside the multi-level object given and finds the value for key given.

Parameter key is a string where levels are indicated using an optional separator character.

If separator is not given, default separator will be the dot character: .


const person = {
  name: 'John Black',
  age: 43,
  sons: {
    kevin: {
      name: 'Kevin Black',
      age: 15
    mary: {
      name: 'Mary Black',
      age: 11

const key = 'sons.kevin.age';

const kevinAge = ToolsService.getValueFromMultiLevelObject(person, key);

Variable kevinAge will be 15.


public static formatString(string: string): string

Transforms string into start case string.


public static waitFor(milliseconds: number): void

Stops the execution flow during milliseconds given.


public identifier(index: number, item: any): any

This method is for use in trackBy in *ngFor directives.

