
Clark React Redux Forms library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clarkIncClarkForms from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clark-inc/clark-forms';


Clark Forms

📝 Clark React Redux Forms library

This library is a React project with Redux, Redux Forms, Styled-Components, and Jest/Enzyme. It includes particulars in the build pipeline including Airbnb ESlint, Prettier, hot-reloading, and SVG optimizations.

This application was initially scaffolded using Create React App and then ejected, reference those docs for additional information. Below you will find some information on how this project is structured.

Project structure:

The src directory contains both lib and demo folders. Demo serves as a sandbox to test, build, and see updates to the form components locally. The lib folder is where all the library production code goes.

|-- src
|   |-- demo
|   |-- lib

Getting Started

  • You will need to install Yarn for dependency management, if you do not have it already installed.

  • Run the yarn command to install node_modules

  • To build the demo project locally run yarn start

Testing library integration locally

To test the Clark Forms library locally follow the instructions here.

** Make sure build/ directory exists (yarn build) ** Any subsequent changes made to Clark Forms library while symlinked require running yarn build again.


The testing suite uses Jest as the test runner and Enzyme as a utility to make testing React components easier. These functions are all made available globally in every test file in the setupTests.js.

  • Run yarn run lint to run the linter
  • Run yarn test to start the test runner


For convience sake, we use the cut-release project to easily publish to npm and follow SEMVER.

If for some reason you rather do this manually, the process is as follows:

  1. Merge changes into master

  2. git checkout master

  3. Run yarn build

  4. Run npm version specifying the subsequent version based on SEMVER and supply a commit message using the -m flag. ex. npm version patch -m "Upgrade to %s for reasons"

  5. git push origin master

  6. git push origin master --tags

  7. yarn publish

** In order to publish to the org @clark-inc, you must be logged-in. NPM CLI will provide a prompt to login. At that point contact either @micheal or @ian on slack in #dev channel for assistance. Before doing so please download keybase.

Once you have cut a release remember to bump the version in your project.


To use the library run yarn add @clark-inc/clark-forms

You can then import the library in your component like so: import Fieldset from '@clark-inc/clark-forms';

The Fieldset component must be wrapped in a <form> element and the form component must be connected to redux-forms.


const Demo = ({ handleSubmit }) => (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleClick)}>
      <Fieldset data={FIELD_SETS} />

export default reduxForm({
  form: 'demo',

The Fieldset component takes one prop called data which is a json structure. These FIELD_SETS must have a type, name, and label.

Types include: input, radioButton, checkbox, dropdown, textarea, datepicker.


const FIELD_SETS = [
    fieldSet: [
        columns: { small: 1, large: 2 },
        fields: [
            type: 'input',
            name: 'accountNumber',
            label: 'Account Number',
            validate: [isRequired, minLength(6)],
            normalize: normalizeNumbers(16),
            type: 'input',
            name: 'routingNumber',
            label: 'Routing number',
            validate: [isRequired, minLength(9)],
            normalize: normalizeNumbers(9),