Sass flexbox grid
super lightweight flexgrid with scss
also available at:
Update 1.0.11
- Version bump
Update 1.0.10
- fixed container-fluid top and bottom margins
Update 1.0.9
- updated demo files
- fixed container-fluid and how it is used with .wrapper class
- created class col-x-auto-width which makes columns dependant on number of elements where x is all the breakpoints
Update 1.0.8
- Changed default value of .row flex-direction to row
Update 1.0.7
- added support for xxl - 1600
- summary of breakpoints <= 576, 577-767, 768-991, 992-1199, 1200-1599, > 1600
- use calling all between range col-xxl-1 col-xxl-12
Update 1.0.6
- Adding alignment classes:
- on the container: flex-direction, justify-content-, align-items-, align-content-,
- on individual flex item: align-self-
- changed container class default padding to gutter / 2
Updates 1.0.5
- Tweak demo files and classes
- moved .container class to sass-flexbox-grid
Updates 1.0.4
changed package structure, moved sass-flexbox-grid.scss to root
publishes production ready sass-flexbox-grid to build/sass-flexbox-grid.css
ignore build/
build/demo.css is only used for demo purposes and not required for production
offsets do work but you have to reset every size that the offset in the previous media query size set an offset
example (resetting the offset for the md and lg grid): sm-offset-2 md-offset-0 lg-offset-0