
Interact with Chat Service with Google AppsScripts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import classroomtechtoolsChatAdvService from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@classroomtechtools/chat-adv-service';


Chat Advanced Service

Interact with the Google Chat API via AppsScripts.

Getting Started

  • Create a service account that has access to Chat API
  • Add ChatService to your project with Library ID 1XDYAGcUoblJ073Kjveni2WOZHpKLYE8qlYMkeHViavLXvsKnBIl1DR2A
  • Send the privateKey and issuerEmail to the ChatService.init method
  • The returning object has Spaces, Members, and Messages namespaces, which themselves have methods that match the reference documentation.
const Chat = ChatService.init('<privateKey>', '<issuerEmail>');
const rooms = Chat.Spaces.list();


The methods in this library reach out to the endpoints, parse it as json, and then return the result from the endpoint. However, you may want more control over those interactions.

Perhaps you are getting an error and want to see the request that's being built on your behalf, to help troubleshoot. No problem:

const Chat = ChatService.init('<privateKey>', '<issuerEmail>');
const roomRequest = Chat.Spaces.config({request: true}).list();
const {url, params} = roomRequest.getParams();

The way it works is putting config({request: true}) in front of the method call list(). It overrides the default behaviour of fetching the request and parsing it to json, instead returning the request object saved in roomRequest.

Or, you might want to take advantage of the fields "system parameter". All that does is filter out the keys in the json response, so if you get back a large json with huge content, but you only use name key in the response, ?fields=name as a query parameter in the url will tell Google's APIs to filter out everything except name. It can improve the snappiness of the roundtrips.

const room = Chat.Messages.config({fields: 'createTime'}).create();

That will make send createTime in fields to the create message endpoint, which can return a very large object in return. But if you're just creating it you probably don't need the endpoint to be so verbose.

Combining the two is possible:

const roomRequest = Chat.Messages.config({request: true, fields: 'createTime'})
const {params} = roomRequest.getParams();
Logger.log(params);  // {_fields='createTime', url: ...}


AppsScript doesn't have a native advanced service to interact with the Chat API. And I need one, so I made one!

Possible Use Cases

  • A Google Form that opens a new thread on a Google Chat room on submission
  • Poll your domain for Chat room activity


Currently used in production, but feedback welcome. Thanks for any contributions. Use the issue github tracker for issues.