
A simple utility easily determine which value should be used based on which environment is being used.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import claytonStateUniversityWhenv from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clayton-state-university/whenv';



A simple utility easily determine which value should be used based on which environment is being used.

It works by looking at the hostname of the system on which it is run and depends on the strings prod, qa, or dev being contained in the hostname.



const Whenv = require('whenv')
let postUrl = new Whenv('http://produrl.domain.com', 'http://qaurl.domain.com', 'http://devurl.domain.com')
postUrl.setHostname('devscripts.domain.com') //NOTE: the hostname will be automatically determined, but you can override it with whenv.setHostname
postUrl.decide((url) => {
    console.log(url) //http://devurl.domain.com


const Whenv = require('whenv')
let postUrl = new Whenv('http://produrl.domain.com', 'http://qaurl.domain.com', 'http://devurl.domain.com')
postUrl.setHostname('prodscripts.domain.com') //NOTE: the hostname will be automatically determined, but you can override it with whenv.setHostname
    .then(console.log) //http://produrl.domain.com