
TypeScript declarations for the ClearBlade Code Service engine

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clearbladeCodeServiceTypes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clearblade/code-service-types';


code-service-types Build Status

TypeScript type declarations for the ClearBlade library that runs inside the ClearBlade code service engine.


npm i --save-dev @clearblade/code-service-types


Add an entry to the files compiler option option in tsconfig.json

  "files": ["node_modules/@clearblade/code-service-types/index.d.ts"]


Going through the PR process of DefinitelyTyped has proven to be difficult for out team as the ClearBlade library is being constantly updated. In order to provide up-to-date type declarations we have temporarily moved outside of DefinitelyTyped. Once changes to the library become less frequent we will move back to the standard @types declaration system.