
SPDX custom libraries of clearlydefined.io.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clearlydefinedSpdx from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clearlydefined/spdx';



ClearlyDefined focused SPDX utility library.

This is used by clearlydefined/service


npm install @clearlydefined/spdx
const SPDX = require('@clearlydefined/spdx')

SPDX.stringify({ license: 'MIT' })
SPDX.satisfies('MIT', 'MIT OR Apache-2.0')
SPDX.merge('MIT', 'Apache-2.0', 'AND')
SPDX.expand('MIT or Apache-2.0')
SPDX.lookupByName('Apache License 2.0')

Local development

git clone https://github.com/clearlydefined/spdx
cd spdx
npm i
npm test


  • Merge pull request to this repo (make sure that it updates the version of this package - similar to this pull request.)
  • Release the new package to npm (the npm login credentials are in the ClearlyDefined Azure keyvault, if you need access or help with this reach out to @nellshamrell)
cd spdx
git checkout master
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
npm login
npm publish