
ClearRoad API mongodb Connector

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clearroadApiStorageMongodb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clearroad/api-storage-mongodb';


ClearRoad API Storage MongoDB

Note: 5 databases will be created to store the data, all prefixed with the database value (see below). Make sure you use credentials that have the rights to create databases.


npm install @clearroad/api-storage-mongodb


  1. Import the library:

Using with es6 / TypeScript

import { ClearRoad } from '@clearroad/api';
import storage from '@clearroad/api-storage-mongodb';

Using with require

const ClearRoad = require('@clearroad/api').ClearRoad;
const storage = require('@clearroad/api-storage-mongodb').default;
  1. Create a ClearRoad instance:
const options = {
  localStorage: {
    type: storage,
    url: 'mongodb://user:password@host.com:27017',
    database: 'MyDatabase'
const cr = new ClearRoad('url', 'accessToken', options);


Property Type Description Required
localStorage.type string Connector type. Use mongodb Yes
localStorage.url string Database url connection string Yes
localStorage.database string Database name Yes
localStorage.clientOptions MongoClientOptions (see connect options) Additional configuration for connection No
localStorage.documentsCollectionName string Database collection name to storage all documents. Default is Documents No
localStorage.attachmentsCollectionName string Database table name to storage all attachments. Default is Attachments No
localStorage.timestamps boolean Add createdAt and updateAt fields on each row. Default is true No