
This is the description of the plugin.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cleverlanceEnterpriseSolutionsStrapiPluginAcousticNewsletters from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cleverlance-enterprise-solutions/strapi-plugin-acoustic-newsletters';


Strapi plugin acoustic-newsletters


yarn strapi install acoustic-newsletters

yarn add acoustic-newsletters
yarn build

# pay attention
copy components_copy_dependency to the root of your project


create /config/acousticNewsletters.js and setup url for the newsletter backend like:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  // TODO: implement env variable
  url: 'https://clevercmssit.creditas.cleverlance.com/capi/newsletter'jj

these config is served vai HTTP endpoint to the frontend of the plugin

Strapi issue with creating components in the plugin

issue: https://github.com/strapi/strapi/issues/7640

now you have to go to the /components_copy_dependency and move its content into root of your project to the /components folder for correct database definition


setup new custom strapi instance

official docs

yarn create strapi-app acoustic-newsletters-plugin-test --quickstart

cd acoustic-newsletters-plugin-test

# create a sym-link for cloned plugin repo:

yarn dev --watch-admin

  1. Clone repo

  2. Create symlink for custom strapi-plugin-acoustic-newsletters

# MacOS
ln -s {{ROOT_PATH}}/strapi-plugin-acoustic-newsletters {{ROOT_PATH}}/test-plugins/plugins/acoustic-newsletters

rem Windows
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name .\examples\getstarted\plugins\menu -Target .\packages\strapi-plugin-menu\
  1. Code installation/setup
# cd {{ROOT_PATH}}/

# cd {{ROOT_PATH}}/examples/getstarted
yarn build
yarn dev # its alias for `yarn develop --watch-admin`

# open URLs:
> http://localhost:8000/admin
> http://localhost:1337/graphql

windows troubleshooting

set HOST env variable for localhost