Clevyr Pavo Heartland Module
Exposes the heartland module which includes:
- Heartland Portico Support (for single credit card transactions)
- Heartland PayPlan Support (for scheduled credit card transactions)
Install pavo-heartland
npm install @clevyr/pavo-heartland
Your Pavo instance will need its own heartland module with a di.js
, index.js
, and config/modConfig.js
Examples of these files can be found in setup/modules/heartland
You will need to create the ecommerce sql tables in your database.
Example db migration files can be found in setup/database/migrations
In your mod config, you need to define these variables: (Take these from the process.env, do not hardcode the values!)
- porticoUrl: The url to the Portico API.
- payPlanUrl: The url to the PayPlan API.
- developerId: The Heartland Developer ID (Given by Heartland).
- secretApiKey: The Heartland Secret API Key (Given by Heartland).
- siteTrace: The Heartland site trace (I don't know what this is...).
- version: The Pavo Version ID for Heartland (Given by Heartland).
Once included, the pavo-heartland routes will be available.