
The "Electron" for CLI applications: build and distribute cross-platform CLI clients with NodeJS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import climaxCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@climax/core';


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You can think Climax as the "Electron for CLI applications". But in fact it does even a bit more than that:

  • CLI-based Development
    We provide a CLI to help you generate (almost) everything. Fun fact: the Climax CLI utilizes Climax. We do eat our own :hamburger:.
  • Cross-Platform Build & Release
    Generate and release cross-platform signed binaries in a matter of minutes with just a little bit of config, whether it inludes a npm package or not.
  • Auto-Update Feature
    Adding auto-update capabilities to your CLI clients has never been that easy: it is already implemented to work with your CI. And it's obviously fully secured.
  • Conventions
    We provide a set of conventions regarding your CLI architecture in order to remove the pain of looking around for some.


  • Commander-like declaration
  • Options and value filters
  • Single and list prompts
  • Loading bars and spinners
  • Auto-update
  • Binaries generation

Getting started

:warning: Attention

As long as the first beta releases won't be published, the alpha releases may be proven highly unstable and WILL include multiple breaking changes.

:zap: Info

This entire process will be automatically generated via Climax CLI as soon as its first alpha version will be released.


npm i @climax/core

Hello World

First, let's fill the meta info and declare the binary path:


  // ...

  "name": "say.js",
  "description": "A dummy program repeating what you type.",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "bin": {
    "say": "./bin/say.js"

  // ...

:zap: Info

The name, description and version specified whithin your package.json are the ones used by default by Climax once you pass its source to program#info(). The bin key is also used to show help, warning and error messages.

Then let's write our first piece of code:


#!/usr/bin/env node

const { is, program } = require('@climax/core')
const info = require('../package.json')

  .value('message', 'What do you want to say?', is.aMandatory.string.longerThan(0))
  .option('-t, --twice', 'Say it twice.', is.anOptional.boolean)
  .action(({ options, values }) => {
    for (let i = 0; i <= Number(options.twice); i++) {

  .description('Say hi to whoever you want.')
  .value('name', 'Whom do you want to say hello to?', is.aMandatory.string.longerThan(0))
  .option('-L, --in-language', 'In which language?', is.anOptional.list(['en', 'fr']).else('en'))
  .action(({ options, values }) => {
    const greeting = options.inLanguage === 'en'
      ? `Hello ${values.name}!`
      : `Bonjour ${values.name}!`



Finally we can link our local "binary" file (not compiled yet since they are interprated by NodeJS thanks to the Sha-Bang):

npm link

Let's try it

$ say Bazinga!

$ say hello E.T -L fr
Bonjour E.T!

Current Working Progress

  • Initial Climax project config
  • Initial Climax project CI
  • Basic Program bootstrap with commands, options and values
  • Basic options and values filters
  • 0.1.0-beta release
  • Help integration
  • 0.2.0-beta release
  • Cross-platform binaries
  • Auto-update via (Travis + Github)
  • CLI: Binaries scripts generation (Travis + Github)
  • CLI: Auto-update config generation (Travis + Github)
  • CLI: Basic scaffold generation
  • CLI: 0.1.0-beta release
  • 0.3.0-beta release
  • Single prompt
  • 0.4.0-beta release
  • List prompt
  • 0.5.0-beta release


In progress...


Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/climax/core.git
cd core
npm i

Running Tests

It is recommanded to work in TDD mode, including continuously run tests while writing your code:

npm run test:watch


Climax is MIT licensed.