
Simple wrapper to get environment variables in the right format

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clouudEnvironment from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clouud/environment';


Node.js Package


Simple wrapper around process.env to provide the environment variable in the right Type depending on the method called.

This package doesn't dictate how environment variables become defined, it's purpose is to simply get them - during runtime - in the right Type

Available Methods

  • asArray(key: string, separator: string = ',')
  • asBoolean(key: string)
  • asJson(key: string)
  • asNumber(key: string)
  • env(key: string)


asArray(key, separator)

By default, the separator (second parameter) is ,. You can pass in any value you like here as long as it is a valid string.

Take the string 'one,two,three,four,five' as our starting position, and let's say it's behind process.env['numberArray'] calling the method asArray('numberArray') will reutrn a result of:


Since we used commas as the separator we didn't need to define it as the second parameter as it takes a comma as the default value.


If the value is any of the below, you will receive true, otherwise false will be returned

  • true
  • 1
  • y
  • Y


If the value does not convert to a JSON object, you will receive a TypeError


If the value does not convert to a number, you will receive a TypeError


This is the underlying method to get the proces.env. Calling this method will return the raw environment variable in String format