
Used for making a choice between a set of options on a mobile device.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cmdsActionSheet from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cmds/action-sheet';



npm package

Used for making a choice between a set of options on a mobile device.

Getting started

npm install @cmds/action-sheet --save

Prop Types

Property Type Required? Description
onClose Function Triggers after a user clicks an option or cancels the action sheet.
options Array An array of Option. Options the user can choose from.


Property Type Required? Description
title String Title describing the option.
onClick Function Triggers when the user click the option.
variant OneOf Can either be undefined or danger (makes the option red)
strong Boolean Whether to make the option appear strong (bold).

More information

This component is designed and developed as part of Cosmos Design System.